The incidence and clinical manifestations in pediatric gastritis Author: Diaconu Niculina-Oana Coordinator:Reka Borka Balas University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Pediatric Department Number One, Tg. Mures
Helicobacter pylori infections Gastritis is an inflamatory process, acute or chronic, localized diffuze or focal in the gastric mucosa of the stomach. The positive diagnosis of the gastritis is given on Sydney’s system criteria: endoscopic histological From etilogic point of view there are two forms of gastritis: Bile reflux The primary one Helicobacter pylori infections Burns, infections, drugs, head trauma, caustic and corrosive substances, system diseases, etc Secondary one
Mecanical aggressions (insufficient mastication, tough cellulose abuse) Physical aggresions ( ingestion of too cold or to warm food) Chimical aggression ( nonsteroid anti-inflamatory drugs, corticosteroids, alcohol, smoking, corrosive substances, cytostatics) The risk factors Food abuses Stress, psycho-affective lability
Purpose to determinate the incidence and evaluating symptoms, methods of diagnosis in pediatric gastritis, the gravity of some risk factors not the aim of this study to evaluate risk factors
Material and method a retrospective study includes 209 patients of 2-17 years, admitted to the Pediatric Clinic I Targu-Mures between 2009-2012. Patients with age between :0-18 Gender Residence Risk factors Symptoms Outcome of endoscopy that confirms the gastritis Histological changes Variables
Results 209 patients, 61,7% were female and 38,3% were male
Age of patients and their place of living Distribution of cases based on age groups Place of living
Helicobacter pylori infection
Risk factors and seasonal evolution of the gastritis Risk factors of gastritis
Symptoms of gastritis and localization of abdominal pain
Distribution of cases based on age group and epigastric pain
Distribution of cases based on age group and diffuse pain
Correlations between age groups and abdominal pains 0-4 years Diffuse P=0,079 Periombilical Age groups Abdominal pain Epigastric Above 10 years P=0,001
Endoscopic aspect of gastric mucosa
Paving stone appearance, folicullare mucosa and Helicobacter pylori infection
Correlations between endoscopic aspect and Helicobacter pylori Eritemato-exudative P=0,004 Folliculare Endoscopic aspect HP+ P=0,119 Hemorrahagic Paving stone appearance P=0,000
Conclusions The incidence of gastritis nowadays, can be appreciated due to the modern techniques of investigation by gastroscopy Gastritis is more frequent in female The most affected group of age was 10-14 years In 54,5% of the cases was presented the inadequate feeding and in 28,7% the heredo-collateral antecedents We remarked a seasonal evolution of the disease in children to, with two morbidity peaks: spring time and autumn The most common symptom was abdominal pain The epigastric pain has been correlated with the age groups over 10 years, and the diffuse pain in age group of 0-4 years The follicular aspect and the paving stone appearance have been correlated with the presence of Helicobacter Pylori infection
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