Vampires Among Us Reality in Fiction By: Blaque Smith
Porphyria Then Porphyria Now Main Topics
Porphyria Then… What where their symptoms? Sensitivities and other physical ailments. Flesh is eaten away. Aggression/Mental.
Sensitivities and Other Physical Ailments Sensitivities to sun light Garlic Chest and abdominal pains
Flesh is eaten away Flesh eating toxins Nose and ears Lips begin to recede
Aggression/Mental Violence Confusion Anxiety Irritability Insomnia
What Happened to Those Infected? Medical attention Religion and its leaders Living their lives
How Their Lives Became Lore Disfigurement Light sensitivities Garlic Blood remedies Religious relics
Porphyria Now… Today, scientists have discovered different strains of the virus. Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP) Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT) Congenital Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (CEP)
What is Porphyria? Porpheryins cause changes in heme. Heme is turned into a toxic substance Heme carries oxygen and removed carbon dioxide.
Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP) When do symptoms appear? What are the symptoms? What are the treatments?
Symptoms Abdominal pain and cramping Nausea and vomiting Heart arrhythmia Seizures Hallucinations Depression
When do symptoms occur? Symptoms generally occur after puberty. Attacks can last days, even weeks.
Treatments Heme intravenously. Hematin Heme albumin Heme arginate Glucose intravenously Drugs to control symptoms Pain Nausea Anxiety Insomnia
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT) When do symptoms appear? What are the symptoms? What are the treatments? -Most common form -
Symptoms Blisters Skin thickens Sun sensitivity Skin heals slowly Skin can become fragile Skin is susceptible to infection
When do symptoms occur? Not inherited, but acquired
Treatments Blood removal Low doses of antimalarial drugs Chloroquine Hydroxychloroquine Radiology imaging
Congenital Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (CEP) When do symptoms appear? What are the symptoms? What are the treatments? -Extremely rare-
Symptoms Sun sensitivity Reddish urine Excess hair growth Reddish-brown teeth Hemolytic anemia Skin becomes fragile Blisters
When do symptoms occur? Early infancy Sun sensitivity Reddish urine Acquired later in life
Treatments Oral beta-carotene Oral charcoal Aids porphyrin excretion from stool Blood transfusions Splenectomy-removal of splene Bone marrow transplants
Conclusion Through a historical disease folk lore was created. Fear gripped those who didn’t understand. Better understanding of the disease today.
Bibliography Koppy, Lawrence. (March 2013) “The Vampire Disease” Wood, Debra. (2013) “Porphyria” Lifescript; Healthy Living for Women z/conditions/p/porphyria.aspx?trans=1&du=1http:// z/conditions/p/porphyria.aspx?trans=1&du=1 Elizabeth Bathory (2013) Elizabeth Bathory: The Blood Countess IMDb National Human Genome Research Institute Vampire Facts Vlad the Impaler (2009)