UMN & LMN Lesions
Corticospinal Tract Brain (UMNs) Spinal Cord (LMNs) To arm To hand To torso Spinal Cord (LMNs) To legs To feet
Example: Cortical Stroke Brain (UMNs) Example: Cortical Stroke Lesion To arm To hand To torso Spinal Cord (LMNs) All UMN signs To legs To feet
Example: Brain Stem Stroke (UMNs) Example: Brain Stem Stroke Lesion To arm To hand To torso Spinal Cord (LMNs) All UMN signs To legs To feet
Example: Cervical Cord Injury Brain (UMNs) Example: Cervical Cord Injury No signs To arm Lesion To hand LMN signs To torso Spinal Cord (LMNs) To legs UMN signs To feet
Example: Lumbar Cord Injury Brain (UMNs) Example: Lumbar Cord Injury To arm No signs To hand To torso Spinal Cord (LMNs) Lesion To legs LMN signs UMN signs To feet
Example: Lumbar Cord Injury Brain (UMNs) Example: Lumbar Cord Injury To arm No signs To hand To torso Spinal Cord (LMNs) Lesion To legs LMN signs To feet