Title_Sli de Quality Controlling Wind Power Data for Data Mining Applications Gerry Wiener Research Applications Laboratory Software Engineering Assembly, NCAR April 13, 2015 Photograph by Carlye Calvin, UCAR
Required Forecasts Overview Overall goal System Data setting Challenges in quality control Interpercentile range filtering Conversion of wind to power
Required Forecasts Overall Goal Xcel Energy came to NCAR in 2009 looking for better power forecasts (not wind forecasts!) 57 wind farms in Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico and Texas 3096 turbines 4.25 gigawatts 5 kw -> 1 home 1 mw -> 200 homes 4.25 gw -> homes
Northern States Power
Required Forecasts Public Service Company of Colorado
Required Forecasts Southwestern Public Service
Required Forecasts Overall Goal (cont.) Better Power Forecasts => At each wind farm: Forecast power production every 15 min out to 3 hours Forecast power production every hour out to 7 days Forecasts should be available automatically (meteorologists over the loop)
Forecast Types 1-3 hour forecasts - anticipate upcoming “ramp” adjustments 24 hour forecasts (energy trading & planning) 3-5 day forecasts (long term trading & planning) 7 day forecasts (account for weekends & holidays) Required Forecasts Overall Goal (cont.)
Required Forecasts System Data ingest modules Numerical model(s) Model postprocessing Power conversion Output formatting Displays Monitoring Implementation: Largely Fortran/C++/Python
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) 30 Member Ensemble Modeling System (3 km) External, Publically Available Models Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Direct Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability Customized NCAR model, optimized for wind energy forecasting applications. Meteorological + power observations for model initialization, data mining and system optimization. Customized output for both human users and for automatic processing. WIND POWER FORECASTS System monitoring and maintenance. Publicly available output from external models. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections +
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) External, Publicly Available Models NOAA-GFS NOAA-NAM GEM ECMWF HRRR Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Direct Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability Meteorological + power observations for model initialization, data mining and system optimization. Customized output for both human users and for automatic processing. WIND POWER FORECASTS System monitoring and maintenance. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections +
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) 30 Member Ensemble Modeling System (10 km) External, Publically Available Models Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Direct Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability Customized NCAR models, optimized for wind energy forecasting applications. Meteorological observations for model initialization, data mining and system optimization. Customized output for both human users and for automatic processing. WIND POWER FORECASTS System monitoring and maintenance. Publically available output from external models. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections + DICast ® Dynamic Integrated Forecast System A consensus point forecast system that integrates available meteorological data, including wind farm and turbine observations as well as numerical model output (from multiple models) using the DMOS linear regression-based statistical method. DMOS: Dynamic Model Output Statistics DICast ® is a multi-faceted, robust, self- monitoring system “learns” as statistical weights from past performance are updated daily. For this system, DICast ® generates wind forecasts for every wind turbine in the Xcel domain (currently 3096 turbines distributed across 57 separate wind farms). Fifteen minute forecasts are generated for the first three hours into the future, with hourly forecasts extending out to seven days, and updated every 15 minutes.
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) 30 Member Ensemble Modeling System (10 km) NOAA-GFS NOAA-NAM NOAA-RUC GEM (global) GEM (regional) Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Direct Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability Customized output for both human users and for automatic processing. WIND POWER FORECASTS System monitoring and maintenance. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections + External, Publicly Available Models
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) 30 Member Ensemble Modeling System (10 km) NOAA-GFS NOAA-NAM NOAA-RUC GEM (global) GEM (regional) Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Output Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability System monitoring and maintenance. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections + External, Publicly Available Models
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) 30 Member Ensemble Modeling System (10 km) NOAA-GFS NOAA-NAM NOAA-RUC GEM (global) GEM (regional) Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Direct Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability System monitoring and maintenance. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections + External, Publically Available Models Adjustable Timescale
NCAR / Xcel Wind Forecasting System Components ■ Secure VPN networking ■ Data Archiving and Storage DICast wind High Resolution Model RTFDDA WRF (3 km) 30 Member Ensemble Modeling System (10 km) NOAA-GFS NOAA-NAM NOAA-RUC GEM (global) GEM (regional) Standard Meteorological Observations Wind Farm & Turbine Observations Multi-Mode Interactive Displays Direct Digital Data Stream Meteorological Weather Maps & Products System Monitoring and Maintenance Capabilities + power modules ■ Parallel hardware and data streams for redundancy & reliability System monitoring and maintenance. ■ Robust system that compensates for missing data or connections + External, Publically Available Models
Required Forecasts Data Setting Most Farms Provide: Nacelle Anemometer Wind Speed Turbine Power Connection Node Power Data Format: Ascii Site, Time, Data Value
Required Forecasts Data Setting Data Issues Data for any given farm/connection node can go out at any time for irregular stretches of time Data can be late Data can be incorrect Stuck values PI system issue Time zone and time stamp format problems Handle these using ad hoc QC techniques
Required Forecasts Challenges in Quality Control
Required Forecasts Idealized Power Curves
Required Forecasts Turbine Wind/Power Scatter Plot
Required Forecasts Connection Node Wind/Power Scatter Plot
Required Forecasts Challenges in Quality Control Statistical modeling of the relationship of wind to potential power should exclude outlier power observations for given wind speeds Turbines produce reduced power when curtailed (transmission issue) Turbines produce reduced power when subject to icing (weather/turbine issue) Turbines produce reduced power after a high wind speed cutout events (weather/turbine issue)
Required Forecasts Interpercentile Range Filtering Procedure: Collect ~1 year of wind power observations at a given wind farm Observations are from all turbines of the same type (some farms have multiple turbine types) Divide the wind speed range into 0.1 m/s bins …
Required Forecasts Interpercentile Range Filtering Procedure: Place power values from wind, power pairs in appropriate m/s wind bins Sort power values in each wind bin Remove power values outside interpercentile range Options: Interquartile range 25% - 75% 15% - 95% Use remaining data set for data mining
Required Forecasts Filtering adjustments Incorporate curtailment filtering Curtailment information may be available Perform filtering prior to interpercentile range filtering Power curve filtering Shift the power curve sideways and up/down This “blackens out a region” Remove power values outside the region Can be done prior to interpercentile range filtering
Required Forecasts Interpercentile Range Filtering
Required Forecasts Interpercentile Range Filtering
Required Forecasts Interpercentile Range Filtering
Empirical Power Curve Optimization by Data Mining: An example of empirical power curves for turbines of the same model & manufacturer at different wind farms
Required Forecasts Conversion of Wind to Power Predict power production for individual turbine types using per- farm data mining models Roll up power for turbines at farm Predictors: Wind speed Temperature Atmospheric pressure Target: Filtered turbine power
Required Forecasts Data Mining Techniques Regression Tree Cubist Random Forest Gradient Boosted Trees Errors: kw for a 1500 kw turbine Can be reduced by approximately 50% if previous power is used in data mining
Required Forecasts Thank You!