Commands in French Just like in English, when you give a command to someone in French, you do NOT use a subject before the verb. EX: Eat your vegetables! Mange tes légumes!
Command Forms Commands come in only 3 subjects: Tu = you (s.) do something Vous = you all (or formal) do something Nous = Let’s do something
Conjugations: For –er verbs (including the irregular verb aller), the tu command form will drop the –s. EX: tu manges Mange les fruits! -Ir and –Re verbs are normal in tu command forms: EX: Tu finis Finis tes devoirs! EX: Tu bois Bois un chocolat chaud!
EXAMPLES Écoute le professeur! (you) Listen to the teacher! Écoutez le professeur! (you all) Listen to the teacher! Écoutons le professeur! Let’s listen to the teacher!