Financial Inclusion: Can you afford not to ? DWP Financial Inclusion Champions Scotland 18 November 2009
DWP Financial Inclusion Champions UK Government’s Financial Inclusion Fund Work strategically with Local Authorities, Community Planning Partnerships and key stakeholders Improve availability and access to: Affordable credit Safe savings Bank accounts Home contents insurance Free face-to-face money advice
Financial Exclusion – An issue for us all £182M paid in interest in the UK each day £58,340 is the average household debt in the UK A property is repossessed every 11.5 minutes 1 person every 3.97 minutes is declared bankrupt / insolvent 2,553 people are made redundant each day 25,250 applications for consumer credit are rejected each day Credit Action, November 2009
“It is easier for a large bank to expand and then destroy its balance sheet than for an individual to open a bank account….” Mervyn King, Governor, Bank of England Finance – a return from risk
Not Totally Excluded!!
The Effects of Financial Exclusion Relationship breakdown Absenteeism from school Stress, anxiety, depression Poor physical health Anti-social behaviour Homelessness Poverty premium
Supporting FI is Good for Business Improved cash flow Allows people to sustain their tenancies Reduction in rent arrears and debt Reduction in costs of collecting rent etc Reduction in number of abandonments & voids Sustains employment Reduction in demand for money / debt advice Contributes to economic regeneration
Link to SOA Link to National Frameworks Prevention Early intervention Financial Capability/ Learning FSA Scottish Government Financial Inclusion Services Banking accounts Money & debt advice Financial Inclusion Products Affordable credit Safe savings Home content insurance Developing a Financial Inclusion Strategy
Single Outcome Agreements We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society We realise our full economic potential with more and better employment opportunities for our people; Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens; Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed; We live longer, healthier lives; We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger; We live in well-designed, sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need;
Financial Capability / Learning South Lanarkshire - Capability work with criminal justice - pre-released prisoners and community disposals Making Money Work, Dundee – Employability project working with longer term unemployed West Lothian Credit Union Forum in partnership with WL Adult Basic Education DOSH – Debt Or Savings Handling
Financial Services First Alliance East Coast Growth Fund Project SLAB funded projects Pre-tenancy Service, Hillcrest HA & Dundee Partnership MacMillan Cancer Support Grand Central Savings CABs and Money Advice and Debt Advice services
Financial Products Affordable credit including Growth Fund Saving Gateway Home Contents Insurance Child Trust Fund
Sharing Good Practice Financial Inclusion Practitioners Network Scottish Financial Inclusion Forum Wider Role Forums Scottish Government Learning Network FSA
Contact… If you have any queries about the information contained within this presentation, or you would like to discuss any aspect of the Financial Inclusion Champions Initiative, please get in touch.