The international Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA): Inter-dependence of countries Dr. Shakeel.


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Presentation transcript:

The international Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA): Inter-dependence of countries Dr. Shakeel Bhatti Secretary International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture general aspects and research opportunities Rome, 5 November

Overview –Introduction: the International Treaty –Main Achievements since 2007 Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing Funding Strategy: Call for Proposals for Benefit-sharing Fund –4th Session of Governing Body PGRFA, Climate Change and Food Security –Discussion

The scope of the Treaty is all plant genetic resources for food and agriculture J. T. Esquinas

What Are the Treaty’s Objectives? The conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture The fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from their use, in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity, for sustainable agriculture and food security


Special Features of PGRFA - I The fundamental role of PGRFA and of their exchange for satisfying basic human needs, including global food security and sustainable agriculture; The interdependence of countries regarding GRFA, i.e. the fact that all countries depend largely on GRFA that originated elsewhere; The fact that many PGRFA have been developed over long periods of time based on material originating from different parts of the world, and thus, often are the products of many generations of people from many different countries; PGRFA are handled in large numbers of samples and sometimes, for example in the case of biological control, require that access be granted very quickly; The fact that the purpose of such accessions is usually known, i.e. the ultimate use of the final products for food and agriculture;

Special Feature of PGRFA - II The existence of traditional and customary exchange patterns applicable to many PGRFA, indigenous knowledge and culture are integral parts of the management of PGRFA; For many PGRFA, human use is a fundamental condition for, rather than a threat to their survival; and The interaction between the environment, genetic resources and management practices that occurs in situ within agro-ecosystems often contributes to maintaining a dynamic portfolio of agricultural biodiversity.

Multilateral System P1 R1 R2 SMTA 2 SMTA 1 SMTA 3 On-farm conservation information exchange & tech.transfer sustainable use 1,1% of net sales Priorities Criteria Operational Procedures Private Sector Voluntary contributions (eg, NW, IT) Benefit- sharing fund CP Int’l org Natural and legal person Others International Treaty Main Operational Systems & Mechanisms priority: farmers in developing countries who conserve and sustainably utilize PGRFA 100,000+ transfers transfer/day

Daily Transfers of PGRFA

Number of SMTAs from IRRI – by Month

Transfers of Rice Germplasm Under SMTAs From IRRI – Global IRRI Transfers by Sector

Transfers of Rice Germplasm Under SMTAs From IRRI – by Sector and Country

Policy: The Governing Body (GB) Timelime Adopted by the FAO Conference Entered into force 2006 – First Session of the GB (Madrid) SMTA & Funding Strategy adopted 2007 – Second Session of the GB (Rome) Annexes of Funding Strategy adopted 1-5 June 2009 – Third Session of the GB (Tunis) Benefit-sharing Projects Approved 2011 – Fourth Session of the GB (Indonesia)

Progress since 2007 Legal and Policy Aspects Treaty has moved from text to operational system; Several technical and practical questions that have been raised by users in day-to-day operations worldwide; The GB provides guidance and takes major decisions on future management of the Gene pool.

Funding Strategy (FS) Article 18 of the Treaty 2006: Adopted at First Governing Body 2007: Second Governing Body: –adopted Annexes 1-3 and –delegated responsibility for project approval to the Bureau 2008: opened Call for Proposals 2009: Third Governing Body: –Strategic Plan for resources mobilization – Target –Projects under the Benefit-sharing Fund approved

Joint Capacity Building Programe for Treaty Implementation

Challenges for the Treaty Further operationalize MLS; 2nd cycle of the Benefit-sharing Fund; recognize two-fold nature of the Treaty: –intergovernmental process; –operational systems & mechanisms; Maintain policy and operational coherence in Treaty implementation; Improve communication on Treaty & ongoing operation and evolution; Facilitate interaction between Contracting Parties & users & other stakeholders; Address the challenges of the agricultural sector in a changing environment (biodiversity loss, food prices, climate change, development, etc.); Leverage Treaty as a model for other sectors.

Policy relevance of the Treaty The only fully operational, international Access and Benefit- sharing System for plant genetic resources; Represents the agricultural sector and its specificity within Plant Genetic Resources policy, while: Providing innovative instrument to address simultaneously several global challenges: –genetic erosion and biodiversity loss; –rural poverty of small-holder farmers; –food crisis and escalation of food prices; –crop adaptation to climate change; –bottom-up approach to development policy in agriculture; Becoming a model for numerous other sectors, eg. WHO, animal genetic resources, UNCLOS, etc.

Indonesia 2011 – GB4 Climate Change, Food Security and role of genetic resources

Thank you!/ ¡Gracias! / Merci! Please contact us: International Treaty Secretariat at FAO, Building B, 6 th floor Tel.: