Where Students Get Water Slide #1
Private wells: 80/152 x 100 = 53% Community wells: 35/152 x 100 = 23% Oxford Village Water: 32/152 x 100 = 21% Detroit City Water: 5/152 x 100 = 3% What percentage of OMS Blue Team students get their water from: Where do most OMS Blue Students get their water from? Private wells.
Students With Water Filters Slide #2
What percentage of OMS Blue Team Students have water filters at home? 91/152 x 100 = 60% What percentage of OMS Blue Team Students do not have water filters at home? 44/152 x 100 = 30% Of the students that have filters, what type is most common, all system filters or small ones on the refrigerator, pitchers or kitchen sink? All system in basement Do all the students with filters indicate where their filters are located? What is the evidence to support your conclusion? No, 57 students indicated where their filter was and 91 students said they have a filter
Students With Water Softeners Slide #3
What percentage of the OMS Blue Team Students that answered question #3 had water softeners? 102/145 x 100 = 70% Did all students that answered the survey answer whether they had water softeners? What is your evidence to support your conclusion? No – 145 students said they either did or did not have a water softener. 152 students handed in surveys. Compare the number of students getting their water from a a private well to the number of students having water softeners. What can you conclude? 80 students get their water from a private well and 102 students had water softeners. I can conclude that some students getting their water from sources other than private wells have water softeners
Students With Multiple Sources of Water Slide #4
What percentage of OMS Blue Team students answering the question had multiple sources of water? 14/143 x 100 = 10% Hypothesize why a house might have water from more than one source. Don’t want to use city water (expensive) to water lawns/gardens, don’t want softened water used on a lawn/garden What would be the advantage of having water from more than one source? Don’t have to pay to water the lawn
Students With Water Tested Slide #5
What percentage of OMS Blue Team students answering question #5 had their water tested? 79/146 x 100 = 54% What percentage of OMS Blue Team students overall had their water tested? 79/152 x 100 = 52% Did all students with wells have their water tested? What is your evidence to support your conclusion? No – not all students with wells had their water tested. 79 students said they had their water tested and 80 students had private wells. Could be a lower number of people with private wells because some of the people having their water tested my have gotten their water from community wells or Oxford Village water.
Type of Sanitary System Slide #6
What percentage of student homes have: Private Septic Fields: 61/152 x 100 = 40% Community Septic Fields: 19/152 x 100 = 13% Sewers: 68/152 x 100 = 45% What type of system do most households in Oxford have for disposing of sewage? Based on this data more people have sewers