Strategic Plan Report Goals 4 and 7B: Accountability, Accessibility, Effectiveness and Efficiency December 11, 2014
Goal 4: Ensure Justice System and Gov’t Entities are Accountable & Accessible STRATEGIES: Increase meaningful access to courts and gov’t agencies for persons with limited English proficiency Explore our role in increasing meaningful access to courts and gov’t agencies for specific vulnerable populations Decrease financial barriers to courts Improve legal community’s awareness and understanding of needs and skills of low income individuals and communities PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Cases (e.g. #/% who secure language access and/or fee waiver) Advocacy (e.g. improving laws, regulations, policies, practices) Collaboration (e.g. establish additional effective partners to better serve clients) Education (e.g. # of community legal education activities provided) Leadership (e.g. # of staff serving on boards of organizations with similar mission to Legal Aid)
Goal 7: Maximize Organizational Effectiveness, Efficiency & Accountability Performance Measurements: 1)Groups are identified 2)Plan to address needs implemented 3)#/% of clients served in identified groups 4)Outcomes achieved for those groups Timeline for Potential Changes: By 2/2014: Develop organizational plan By 6/2014: Develop implementation plans for groups identified By 12/2014: Implement and allocate resources as necessary Strategy B: Develop plan to address the needs of particularly vulnerable populations
Vulnerable Populations Process Final Vulnerable Populations (4) Staff Experience and Enthusiasm Recommended Vulnerable Populations (5) Decision Making CriteriaOrganizational Capacity Selected Vulnerable Populations (8) Multidisciplinary TeamExternal & Internal Data Possible Vulnerable Populations (25+) Legal Needs AssessmentPotential Impact Strategic Plan Goal 7B + LSC Technology Initiative Grant
Decision Making Criteria: 1) The number of clients who need our services 2) Potential benefit if we provide the service (#, type, degree) 3) Potential harm if we don’t provide the service (#, type, degree) 4) Availability of alternative effective quality program and service providers 5) Expertise and capacity of staff and volunteers 6) Ability to produce outcomes and long-term impact for clients and low income communities 7) Availability of resources to cover delivery of service 8) Ability to leverage work we’re already doing for clients and low income communities
Formerly Incarcerated – application of decision-making criteria People who were formerly incarcerated CriterionPlusMinusNeutral 1 – Number 2 – Benefit 3 – Harm 6 – Outcomes 4 – Alternatives 5 – Capacity 7 – Resources 8 - Leverage
Non-English Speakers in Cleveland
Sources: ACS 5-year estimates for 2009 to 2012 (Tables S1701 & B16009) & Legal Aid Society of Cleveland data Produced by Rachel J. Perry, Strategic Data Analytics, LLC March 2014
Vulnerable Population Sub-Committees African Americans People who were Formerly Incarcerated People with Disabilities People with Limited English Proficiency Advocacy Group
Dashboard Tool
Going Forward in 2015 Creating goals - linked to Strategic Plan Committees/Chairs accountable for work Examples from recent meetings: Damian Calvert shared experience of being incarcerated Probate courts’ adherence to McQueen decision granting the right to counsel for ward at the guardianship review hearing Language access plans for Cleveland and/or Cuyahoga Educational disparity for African American & white children