Amphetamine-related disorders Answers from DSM-IV-TR, First and Tasman or Sadock & Sadock’s 10 th, unless otherwise indicated. As of 3Sep08.
Prevalence - gender Q. Which gender predominates?
Prevalence - gender Ans. Men.
Urine + Q. Urine is positive for amphetamines for how long?
Urine + Ans. 1 – 3 days.
Oral finding Q. Common oral finding with methamphetamine use?
Oral finding Ans. Dental condition has deteriorated.
Intoxication Q. DSM expects at least two of nine signs. List the nine intoxication signs with amphetamines.
Intoxication - 1 Ans. 1]Tachycardia or bradycardia 2]Pupillary dilation 3] BP up or down 4] Perspiration or chills 5] Nausea or vomiting 6] weight loss 7] psychomotor agitation or retardation 8] see next slide
Intoxication - 2 Continued: 8] muscle weakness, R down, chest pain, or cardiac arrhythmias 9] confusion, seizure, dystonias, or coma.
Amphetamines - withdrawal Q. DSM expects at least two of five signs of withdrawal. Name the five.
Amphetamines - withdrawal Ans. 1] fatigue 2] vivid, unpleasant dreams 3] insomnia or hypersomnia 4] increased appetite 5] psychomotor retardation or agitation
Pregnancy Q. Use during pregnancy increases what?
Pregnancy Ans. 1] fetal loss 2] developmental delays in the baby 3] childhood learning disabilities.
Intoxication - treatment Q. What is the treatment of intoxication, generally speaking?
Treatment - intoxication Ans. There is no specific treatment. Instead, symptomatic. In answering examiner’s questions keep in mind that restraints are a bad idea because increase chance of NMS-like result.
Treatment - withdrawal Q. Treatment of withdrawal?
Treatment of withdrawal Ans. No specific treatment. Symptomatic.
Treatment of dependence Psychosocial treatments Q. Psychosocial treatment of amphetamine dependence?
Amphetamine dependence psychosocial treatments Ans. None established that are specific to amphetamine dependence, so education, NA, and so forth should suffice.
Amphetamine dependence meds Q. What meds are used for amphetamine dependence?
Amphetamine dependence meds Ans. None established, but Sadock and Sadock does mention bupropion has an option after withdrawal.