Apulkee Foundation Transforming Personalities !!! Where its only about Love, Love for Humanity !!! Shikshan Vikaas Abhiyaan Project Report Contents: 1.Introduction. 2.Apulkee Team for the SVASP. 3.Facts and Figures. 4.Geographical Map. 5.Headcount Of Children Between the Age Group 0 and 6. 6.Statistical Analysis and Graphical Representation. 7.Project Approach and Description. 8.General Opinions Of The Villagers. Author: Martina William & Atul Gadkari 1Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan VikaAs Abhiyaan Project Introduction: On November 5 th 2011, A team of Apulkee Foundation went to Ranjangaon Sandas located on the banks of the Bhima River for a survey. Ranjangaon Sandas is approximately Kilometres based in the outskirts of the district of Pune away from the Historical International IT hub of Pune City. It is a 1 and half hour journey from the heart of the Pune city. Ranjangaon is a beautiful village with a pure farming landscapes and has been blessed with water reservoirs, hence the main occupation of the villagers is farming and fishing. Greenery spread across acres and acres of land it makes Ranjangaon Sandas a very pleasant place. It is a small world with natural reserves and fresh air to breathe away from the city area. The roads and the vehicles to travel to this beautiful place are an inconvenience though. Pune is Known as the Educational and Cultural Centre of India throughout the world. Pune is the 8 th largest metropolis in India and 2 nd largest in the state of Maharashtra. The population of Pune city is 94,26,959 lakhs according to the census of The literacy rate of Pune is 87.19% which is a great achievement. Pune has more number of schools, colleges universities and research centres than any other city in the world which is remarkable. There are numerous English Medium schools as well as Marathi medium schools both private and government in Pune. 2Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan VikaAs Abhiyaan Project Apulkee Team On SVASP: The Apulkee Foundation Team that went on the Shikshan Vikaas Abhiyaan Survey Project comprised of 6members. 1.Atul Gadkari (Founder President) 2.Ainesh More (Secretary) 3.Martina William (Creative Head) 4.Abhijit Gaikwad (Member) 5.Pooja Gadkari (Member) 6.Aniket Gadekar (Member) The team had planned to do a random sampling survey for 200 villagers and to see what their challenges were related to the education of their children. The team is extremely assertive on the facts it discovered and is looking forward on the completion of this project in the year Lets see what the team found in the following slides. 3Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan VikaAs Abhiyaan Project Facts and Figures: According to the survey done by the team and the information given by the villagers there are no English medium schools in the radius of 13 kms from Ranjangaon Sandas. There is only one English medium school and that is located in Kedgaon. Kedgaon is approximately 15 kms away from Ranjangaon Sandas and hence it becomes extremely inconvenient for the villagers to send their children to school. There are 2school Vans that come to Ranjangaon to pick and drop the children but it becomes extremely hectic for the parents to send their children 30 kms away for schooling. The parents prefer the children not going to school because of the distance, The Roads, The Fees and the travelling charges. It is an age wherein English is said to be ‘The Lionesses Milk’ because no matter which part of the world we go to English language is a must so English is the only ‘Global Language’. If this is how it goes on then, how is the literacy rate going to increase? How are these farmers children going to survive in the age of computers and technical advancement? How are they going to have a better future? Below is the geographical map of Ranjangaon Sandas and the villages nearby: 4Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan Vikaas Abhiyaan Project Headcount Of Children Between the Age Group 0 and 6: During the time spent speaking with the people from the village, Our team came across very interesting people. Mrs Shailajatai Chandrakant Bhosale a social worker active since the year 1982 and serves as an assistant at the Stree Adhar Kendra and has been working with the Aanganwadi Prakalp of the Maharashtra government for child and women welfare scheme. Shailajatai Bhosale told us some extremely sad facts. The facts are as under:- Facts 5Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan VikaAs Abhiyaan Project Statistical Analysis and Graphical Representation: It was a very shameful and disheartening sight to see and hear the farmers saying ‘A farmers child is born in village and will die a villager’ It has been 64years to our country’s independence and there is still no uniformity in the society. It was even worse when the team saw 12yrs Nagesh Owhal riding a bullock cart and helping his father in farming. An age when we all went to school and enjoyed our childhood. We picked up a random sampling survey mechanism to see what the our fellow mates in Ranjangaon Sandas have to say about the current education pattern of their children. There is statistical analysis done by the team on the basis of the Shikshan Vikaas Abhiyaan Survey. And the analysis is as displayed as below: 6Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan VikaAs Abhiyaan Project Statistical Analysis and Graphical Representation: 7Apulkee Foundation
Shikshan VikaAs Abhiyaan Project Project Approach and Description: The Apulkee Foundation Family is now planning on Shikshan Vikaas Abhiyaan School Project. Hence, according to the fact find done by the Apulkee Team we decided that there should be a school to educate the children from the village and its nearby places. The team approached the Gram Panchayat office to find out whether there was a piece of land Apulkee Foundation could rent to start the project in the month of June 2012 however, according to the Gram Panchayat there is no land wakened for this project so, we decided to meet and check with the villagers if they could help us on this project and it was surprising that they willingly said that they would give their land to Apulkee Foundation on lease basis so that we can start our English Medium school on the Shikshan Vikaas Abhiyaan Project. Apulkee Foundation intends to start the school at a central location of Ranjangaon Sandas so as to facilitate the children from the nearby villages to get good educational facilities at a very minimal cost so as to promote more number of well educated and more aware, responsible youth of tomorrow from the remote areas. According to the discussion with Shailajatai Chandrakant Bhosale she is extremely happy to extend a helping hand to Apulkee Foundation and says “It is an honour and fortune of the village that Apulkee Foundation is starting a school in our village, because I see a strong ray of Hope of a better tomorrow for the children in the village and the generations to come.” 8Apulkee Foundation