Central Water and Power Research Station Pune Hydrology Project II Central Water and Power Research Station Pune
Hydrology Project I Institutional Strengthening R&D Studies Upgradation of Current Meter Rating Tank Facility Hydrometric Instrumentation Services Facility R&D Studies Reservoir Sedimentation Survey using IBSRSS Field Investigations & Development of Model for Predicting Water Quality in Reservoir Systems: Panshet and Ujjani Estimation of Irrigation Return Flow – Kukadi, Maharashtra Training of Trainers Create a Centre of Excellence for Equipment and Maintenance
Personnel trained: 73 Five rounds of ToT Course on ‘Analogue/ Digital Water Level Recorder (A/DWLR), Bank Operated Cable Ways (BOCW) and Sediment Sampling’
Guest Faculty by CWPRS : HYMOS Implementation Six Basic Courses One Advanced Course Two Refresher Courses Follow-up at Data processing centers One TOT Course
HYMOS: Officials Trained
Faculty in Refresher courses for ToT TOTAL Officers Trained :60 Faculty in Refresher courses for ToT in Hydrometry
Hydrology Project II CWPRS-Component With the experience gained and facilities created, CWPRS is well equipped to offer services to implementing agencies under vertical and horizontal extensions
Major Activities Proposed Under HP II Hydrometric Instrumentation Services Facility for calibration, repairs and trouble-shooting of DWLRs DWLR technology development Sustainable DSS technology development/ training to implementing agencies Purpose-driven studies of river basins using HP data, addressing SW issues relevant to implementing agencies
CWPRS-Component of Hydrology Project II Amount: Rs 36.98 million No. Category Amount (Rs million) Percentage 1 Works 0.97 2.63 2 Goods 15.87 42.91 3 Training 8.57 23.18 4 Consultancy 2.90 7.84 5 Staff 5.16 13.95 6 O&M 3.51 9.49 Total 36.98 100.00
Purpose Driven Studies Type of studies proposed for identified river basins Water availability Drought and floods Ungauged basins Studies will have linkage through IWRM for development/ planning of available water resources
DSS Studies Customising DSS for specific basins of implementing agencies (Maharashtra, Gujarat, etc.)
Purpose Driven Studies Activity/ Description 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Discussions with States * Identification of purpose driven Studies For selected basin(s): Finalising scope/ methodology/ responsibility Identification and procurement of data/ Machinery & Equipment Participation in training programs/ workshop/ Symposia/ meetings/ conferences
Purpose Driven Studies Activity/ Description 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Field experiments/ analysis/ model development/ test runs * Test & Validation runs/ submission of interim report Model use/ recommendations/ submission of final report Preparation and submission of Completion Report
Budget Allocation - 2006-07 External Support : Rs 4 million Domestic Support Rs 1 million Total Rs 5 million
Procurement Plan for first 18 months Description Estimated cost (Rs million) 1 (A). Software & data acquisition (B). Equipment (as required for purpose-driven studies 0.23 0.28 2. Audio-visual 0.21 3. Office equipment 0.71 4. Training equipment 0.18 5. Wagon/Van 0.72 6. Supplementary training on domain software 1.28 Total 3.61
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