Marketing 1 and 2 Agenda for 4.15.13 EOC Study Guide Distribution Work on UNBA Project Marketing 1 – Shark Tank Project Kick-off Shark Tank presentation date = Friday, May 3rd
Million Dollar IDEA Sales Presentation SHARK TANK Million Dollar IDEA Sales Presentation
What is it? Using the 7 steps to the sale A Team Sales Presentation Pitching (3 members or less) Pitching a Million Dollar IDEA to the SHARKS (Investors) Using the 7 steps to the sale
Who are the SHARKS? Business People OR Your teachers/administrators
How Do I Create the Presentation? Pick a partner or partners Read rubric and project outline packet Read Shark Tank Daily Activities - The group must submit these leading up to the Shark Tank activity 4. Brainstorm Million Dollar IDEA
BRAINSTORMING…… I wish they had… I hate to….. Leisure Time Developing a product or service based on need I wish they had… I hate to….. Develop product based on what you like to do Ex. Bake, Sports, Read, Video Games, Socialize Leisure Time Make an existing product better Existing Product
When is this project due? Friday, May 3rd
How Much is This Worth? See Handouts!! Any Questions?