Rank NUsUs Recruit10 Pilot20 PO30 Chief31 Master32 Ensign42 Lieutenant43 Commander∞3 Captain∞4 Rear Admiral∞5 Base Cost 28/32 Flight Certifications Ship Squad Points TIE Fighter 11 TIE Interceptor 17 TIE Advanced Archimedes TIE Bomber 14 TIE Defender 29 TIE Phantom 22 Firespray Lambda Shuttle 19 VT-49 Decimator 37 Pilot Skill 7 Name Tyle Bex Species HumanAge: 21 Galactic Empire Personnel File Pilot Talent 1Pilot Talent 2 AbilityGunner PTL Cost 11 [3] [6] [+1] Tactical JudgmentOnce Per Round Escape artist Reroll an escape die Survivalist Reroll an eject die Executioner Reroll an attack die Cagey Reroll an evasion die Unspent XP (Spent XP) 0 (21) Combat Record DateScenarioMission ResultPilot FateKillsXP 06/22/15Character CreationStart6 06/23/15 HVT Recovery - HVTDrawSafe4 5+2(Sp) 07/07/15Raaltiir Relief - AstroidsPartial Rebel VictorySafe34+1(B) 08/11/15Bothawui Convoy - DerelictTotal Imperial VictorySafe02+1(L) Specialization: Flight Tech Recovered Gear (Mission 2) Recovered Gear (Mission 4) Recovered Gear (Mission 5) Where it Counts: Miss>Cr Advanced Targeting Comp Ion Pulse Missile Cluster Missile Tweak it Out: +1 Agil (+2) Weapons Engineer “Hot Shot” Blaster Enhanced Scopes Make it a Tank: +1 Hull (+2) Sensor Jammer Engine Upgrade Proton Torpedo (Miss 5) “Mangler” Cannon
Personnel History Raised on a small Imperial outpost on an outer comet, Tyle Bex learned how to fend for himself and always make the best out of whatever the situation handed him. He longed to be a part of something bigger though and being stuck on a listening post in a wide system orbit wasn’t cutting it for him. At 20 he hitched a ride back to civilization on the resupply ship and joined the Imperial Army academy. Brash and competitive, he fit right in. A natural marksman, he rose quickly to the top of his recruit class during basic training. When the Navy came looking for pilot trainees from the top infantry recruits, Tyle was on his way to being a Vac-Head. Advance Ties were where he was placed and he is now trying to make his mark with the Black Box squad. Name Tyle Bex Species HumanAge: 21
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