30-31 March 2010, Brussels, Belgium. 2 EUMED EVENT 3 30-31 March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Welcome.


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Presentation transcript:

30-31 March 2010, Brussels, Belgium

2 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Welcome

3 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Welcome Addresses Kostas Glinos European Commission, Head of Unit F3 'GÉANT & e-Infrastructure', DG INFSO, European Commission

4 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Welcome Addresses Pierre Deusy European Commission, Economic aspect of EUROMED

5 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Welcome Addresses H.E. Mashhour Abudaka Minister of Telecom and Information Technology Palestinian National Authority

6 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Welcome Addresses Talal Abu Ghazaleh Chair UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development

7 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Roundtable discussion: Regional support for e-Infrastructures Session chair: Kostas Glinos, European Commission, Head of Unit F3 'GÉANT & e-Infrastructure', DG INFSO, European Commission Panellists: Mashhour Abudaka, Minister of Telecom and Information Technology, Palestinian National Authority Hesham El Deeb, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt Maher Suleiman, Director of the National Agency for Network Services, Ministry for Telecommunications, Syria Yousef Torman, Executive Director Jordanian Universities Network

8 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures Session Chair: Federico Ruggieri - Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics, Coordinator of EUMEDGRID-Support project

9 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium International collaboration on epilepsy surgery in Tunisia - a model for the future Amel Mrabet, Department of Neurology, EPS Charles Nicolle Hospital, Tunis Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

10 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium High-performance networking in the context of the ATLAS particle physics experiment Rajaa Cherkaoui El Moursli, University Mohammed V-Agdal, Academie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, Morocco Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

11 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium European E-science and Research Infrastructure initiatives in earthquake seismology and earthquake hazard; opportunities for cooperation across the Mediterranean Torild van Eck, Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS) Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

12 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Coordination of agricultural research in the Mediterranean: e-Infrastructure tools Annamaria Marzetti, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Italy - ARIMNET Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

13 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium ICT education in the globalized world of today: new challenges Salem Al-Agtash, Yarmouk University, Jordan Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

14 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Learning from the Past, Looking at the Present, Moving into the Future Cosimo Notarstefano, Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

15 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Mohamed Swehli Libyan Board of Medical Specialties Session 2: Euro-Mediterranean collaborative projects enabled by e-Infrastructures

16 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Session 3: Medium-term perspective of research networking development NREN sustainability Valentino Cavalli, TERENA

17 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Telecommunications infrastructure in the Mediterranean: trends and opportunities Spiros Livieratos, GRNET (Greek Research and Education network) Session 3: Medium-term perspective of research networking development

18 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Panel session: Building sustainable institutions for the Mediterranean Co-operating with Europe and the Mediterranean - the view from the Gulf Steven Winstanley, ANKABUT, UAE

19 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Panel session: Building sustainable institutions for the Mediterranean Session chair: Dany Vandromme, RENATER (French Research and Education network) Panellists: Dai Davies, General Manager, DANTE Leonardo Flores Añover, European Commission, Information Society and Media Yousef Altorman, Executive Director Jordanian Universities Network Johnathon Chapman, Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service in Qatar Saleh Hashem Mustafa Abdel-Razeq, Secretary General, Association of Arab Universities

20 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Conclusions David West, DANTE

21 EUMED EVENT March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Thank you!