1 Class 5 Additional Psychometric Characteristics: Validity and Bias, Responsiveness, Sensitivity to Change October 22, 2009 Anita L. Stewart Institute for Health & Aging University of California, San Francisco
2 Overview u Types of validity in health assessment –Focus on construct validity u How bias affects validity –Socially desirable responding and culture as sources of bias u Sensitivity to change
3 Validity u Does a measure (or instrument) measure what it is supposed to measure? u And… Does a measure NOT measure what it is NOT supposed to measure?
4 Valid Scale? No! u There is no such thing as a “valid” scale u We accumulate “evidence” of validity in a variety of populations in which it has been tested u Similar to reliability
5 Validation of Measures is an Iterative, Lengthy Process u Accumulation of evidence –Different samples –Longitudinal designs
6 Types of Measurement Validity u Content u Criterion u Construct –Convergent –Discriminant –Convergent/discriminant All can be: Concurrent Predictive
7 Content Validity: u Relevant when writing items u Extent to which a set of items represents the defined concept
8 Relevance of Content Validity to Selecting Measures u “Conceptual adequacy” u Does “candidate” measure represent adequately the concept YOU are intending to measure
9 Content Validity Appropriate at Two Levels u Battery or Are all relevant domains instrumentrepresented in an instrument? u MeasureAre all aspects of a defined concept represented in the items of a scale?
10 Example of Content Validity of Instrument u You are studying health-related quality of life (HRQL) in clinical depression –Your HRQL concept includes sleep problems, ability to work, and social functioning u SF-36 - a candidate –Missing sleep problems
11 Types of Measurement Validity u Content u Criterion u Construct –Convergent –Discriminant –Convergent/discriminant All can be: Concurrent Predictive
12 Criterion Validity u How well a measure correlates with another measure considered to be an accepted standard (criterion) u Can be –Concurrent –Predictive
13 Criterion Validity of Self-reported Health Care Utilization u Compare self-report with “objective” data (computer records of utilization) –# MD visits past 6 months (self-report) correlated.64 with computer records –# hospitalizations past 6 months (self-report) correlated.74 with computer records Ritter PL et al, J Clin Epid, 2001;54:
14 Criterion Validity of Screening Measure u Develop depression screening tool to identify persons likely to have disorder –Do clinical assessment only on those who screen “likely” u Criterion validity –Extent to which the screening tool detects (predicts) those with disorder »sensitivity and specificity, ROC curves
15 Criterion Validity of Measure to Predict Outcome u If goal is to predict health or other outcome –Extent to which the measure predicts the outcome u Example: Develop self-reported war- related stress measure to identify vets at risk of PTSD –How well does it predict subsequent PTSD (Vogt et al., 2004, readings)
16 Types of Measurement Validity u Content u Criterion u Construct –Convergent –Discriminant –Convergent/discriminant All can be: Concurrent Predictive
17 Construct Validity Basics u Does measure relate to other measures in hypothesized ways? –Do measures “behave as expected”? u 3-step process –State hypothesis: direction and magnitude –Calculate correlations –Do results confirm hypothesis?
18 Source of Hypotheses in Construct Validity u Prior literature in which associations between constructs have been observed –e.g., other samples, with other measures of constructs you are testing u Theory, that specifies how constructs should be related u Clinical experience
19 Who Tests for Validity? u When measure is being developed, investigators should test construct validity u As measure is applied, results of other studies provide information that can be used as evidence of construct validity
20 Types of Measurement Validity u Content u Criterion u Construct –Convergent –Discriminant –Convergent/discriminant All can be: Concurrent Predictive
21 Convergent Validity u Hypotheses stated as expected direction and magnitude of correlations u “We expect X measure of depression to be positively and moderately correlated with two measures of psychosocial problems” –The higher the depression, the higher the level of problems on both measures
22 Testing Validity of Expectations Regarding Aging Measure u Hypothesis 1: ERA-38 total score would correlate moderately with ADLS, PCS, MCS, depression, comorbidity, and age u Hypothesis 2: Functional independence scale would show strongest associations with ADLs, PCS, and comorbidity Sarkisian CA et al. Gerontologist. 2002;42:534
23 Testing Validity of Expectations Regarding Aging Measure u Hypothesis 1: ERA-38 total score would correlate moderately with ADLS, PCS, MCS, depression, comorbidity, and age (convergent) u Hypothesis 2: Functional independence scale would show strongest associations with ADLs, PCS, and comorbidity Sarkisian CA et al. Gerontologist. 2002;42:534
24 ERA-38 Convergent Validity Results: Hypothesis 1 ERA-38 ERA Functional Independence ADL.19**.20*** PCS-12.27**.32*** MCS-12.35**.30** Comorbidity-.09*ns Depressive symptoms -.33**-.28** Age -.24**-.14**
25 ERA-38: Non-Supporting Convergent Validity Results ERA-38 ERA Functional Independence ADL.19**.20*** PCS-12.27**.32*** MCS-12.35**.30** Comorbidity-.09*ns Depressive symptoms -.33**-.28** Age -.24**-.14**
26 Types of Measurement Validity u Content u Criterion u Construct –Convergent –Discriminant –Convergent/discriminant All can be: Concurrent Predictive
27 Discriminant Validity: Known Groups u Does the measure distinguish between groups known to differ in concept being measured? u Tests for mean differences between groups
28 Example of a Known Groups Validity Hypothesis u Among three groups: –General population –Patients visiting providers –Patients in a public health clinic u Hypothesis: scores on functioning and well-being measures will be the best in a general population and the worst in patients in a public health clinic
29 Mean Scores on MOS 20-item Short Form in Three Groups Public General MOShealth population patientspatients Physical function Role function Mental health Health perceptions Bindman AB et al., Med Care 1990;28:1142
30 PedsQL Known Groups Validity u Hypothesis: PedsQL scores would be lower in children with a chronic health condition than without Child report:Total score Emotional functioning Chron ill*77 (16)76 (22) Acutely ill*79 (14)77 (20) ANOVA, p =.001 Healthy83 (15)81 (20) * Different from healthy children, p <.05 JW Varni et al. PedsQL™ 4.0: Reliability and Validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ …, Med Care, 2001;39:
31 Types of Measurement Validity u Content u Criterion u Construct –Convergent –Discriminant –Convergent/discriminant All can be: Concurrent Predictive
32 Convergent/Discriminant Validity u Does measure correlate lower with measures it is not expected to be related to … than to measures it is expected to be related to? u The extent to which the pattern of correlations conforms to hypothesis is confirmation of construct validity
33 Basis for Convergent/Discriminant Hypotheses u All measures of health will correlate to some extent u Hypothesis is of relative magnitude
34 Example of Convergent/Discriminant Validity Hypothesis u Expected pattern of relationships: –A measure of physical functioning is “hypothesized” to be more highly related to a measure of mobility than to a measure of depression
35 Example of Convergent/Discriminant Validity Evidence Pearson correlation: MobilityDepression Physical functioning.57.25
36 Testing Validity of Expectations Regarding Aging Measure u Hypothesis 1: ERA-38 total score would correlate moderately with ADLS, PCS, MCS, depression, comorbidity, and age (convergent) u Hypothesis 2: Functional independence scale would show strongest associations with ADLs, PCS, and comorbidity (convergent/discriminant) Sarkisian CA et al. Gerontologist. 2002;42:534
37 ERA-38 Convergent/Discriminant Validity Results: Hypothesis 2 ERA-38 ERA Functional Independence ADL.19**.20*** PCS-12.27**.32*** MCS-12.35**.30** Comorbidity-.09*ns Depressive symptoms -.33**-.28** Age -.24**-.14**
38 ERA-38: Non-Supporting Validity Results ERA-38 ERA Functional Independence ADL.19**.20*** PCS-12.27**.32*** MCS-12.35**.30** Comorbidity-.09*ns Depressive symptoms -.33**-.28** Age -.24**-.14**
39 Construct Validity Thoughts: Lee Sechrest u There is no point at which construct validity is established u It can only be established incrementally –Our attempts to measure constructs help us better understand and revise these constructs Sechrest L, Health Serv Res, 2005;40(5 part II), 1596
40 Construct Validity Thoughts: Lee Sechrest (cont) u “An impression of construct validity emerges from examining a variety of empirical results that together make a compelling case for the assertion of construct validity”
41 Construct Validity Thoughts: Lee Sechrest (cont) u Because of the wide range of constructs in the social sciences, many of which cannot be exactly defined.. –…once measures are developed and in use, we must continue efforts to understand them and their relationships to other measured variables.
42 Interpreting Validity Coefficients u Magnitude and conformity to hypothesis are important, not statistical significance –Nunnally: rarely exceed.30 to.40 which may be adequate (1994, p. 99) –McDowell and Newell: typically between 0.40 and 0.60 (1996, p. 36) u Max correlation between 2 measures = square root of product of reliabilities –2 scales with.70 reliabilities, max correlation.70 –Correlation of.60 would be “high”
43 Overview u Types of validity in health assessment –Focus on construct validity u How bias affects validity –Socially desirable responding and culture as sources of bias u Sensitivity to change
44 Components of an Individual’s Observed Item Score (from Class 3) Observed true item score score =+ error random systematic
45 Random versus Systematic Error Observed true item score score =+ error random systematic Relevant to reliability Relevant to validity
46 Bias is Systematic Error u Affects validity of scores –If scores contain systematic error, cannot know the “true” mean score –Will obtain an observed score that is either systematically higher or lower than the “true” score
47 “Bias” or “Systematic Error”? u Bias implies that the direction of error known u Systematic error – direction neutral –Same error applies to entire sample
48 Sources of “Systematic Error” in Observed Scores of Individuals u Respondent –Socially desirable responding –Acquiescent response bias –Cultural beliefs (e.g., not reporting distress) –Halo affects u Observer –Belief that respondent is ill u Instrument
49 Socially Desirable Responding u Tendency to respond in socially desirable ways to present oneself favorably u Observed score is consistently lower or higher than true score in the direction of a more socially acceptable score
50 Socially Desirable Response Set – Looking “good” u After coming up with an answer to a question, respondent “screens” the answer –“Will this answer make the person like me less?” u May “edit” their answer u Systematic underreporting of “risk” behavior example –A woman has 2 drinks of alcohol a day, but responds that she drinks a few times a week
51 Ways to Minimize Socially Desirable Responding u Write items and instructions to increase “acceptability” of an “undesirable” response u Instead of: –“Have you followed your doctor’s recommendations?” u Use: –“Have you had any of the following problems following your doctor’s recommendations?”
52 Acquiescent Response Set u Tendency to –agree with statements regardless of content –give “positive” response such as yes, true, satisfied u Extent and nature of bias depends on direction of wording of the questions u Minimizing acquiescence: –Include positively- and negatively-worded items in the same scale
53 Example of Systematic Error Due to Cultural Norms or Beliefs u A person feels sad “most of the time” u Unwilling to admit this to the interviewer so answers “a little of the time” –Not culturally appropriate to admit to negative feelings –Always present a positive personality u Observed response reflects less sadness than “true” sadness of respondent
54 Discrepancies in Information Sources: Systematic Error or Different Perspectives? u In reporting on a patient’s well-being –Patients report highest levels –Clinicians report levels in the middle –Family members report the lowest levels u No way to know which is the “true” score –to say one score is “biased” implies another one is the “true score”
55 Overview u Types of validity in health assessment –Focus on construct validity u How bias affects validity –Socially desirable responding and culture as sources of bias u Sensitivity to change
56 Sensitivity to Change: Two Issues u Measure able to detect true changes u One knows how much change is meaningful on the measure
57 Measure Able to Detect True Change u Sensitive to true differences or changes in the attribute being measured u Sensitive enough to measure differences in outcomes that might be expected given the relative effectiveness of treatments –Ability of a measure to detect change statistically
58 Importance of Sensitivity u Need to know measure can detect true change if planning to use it as outcome of intervention u Approaches for testing sensitivity are often simultaneous tests of –effectiveness of an intervention –sensitivity of measures
59 Measuring Sensitivity u Score is stable in those who are not changing u Score changes in those who are actually changing (true change) u One method –Identify groups “known” to change –Compare changes in measure across these groups
60 Sensitivity to Change Evidence for PHQ- 9 (Short Screener for Depression) u Classified patients with major depression (DSM-IV criteria) over time as: –Persistent depression –Partial remission –Full remission u Examined PHQ-9 change scores in these “known groups” Löwe B et al. Med Care, 2004;42:
61 Changes in PHQ-9 Scores by Change in Depression at 6 Months Mean changeEffect size Persistent depression Partial remission Full remission Löwe et al, 2004, p. 1200
62 Considerations in Developing CHAMPS Physical Activity (PA) Questionnaire u Needed outcome measure to detect PA changes due to CHAMPS lifestyle intervention –increase PA levels in everyday life (e.g., walking, stretching) in activities of their choice u Existing measures designed to capture younger persons’ PA Stewart AL et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2001;33:
63 Changes in Measure Resulting from Intervention: Validity Evidence for Others u After CHAMPS intervention detected PA change, others used our results as evidence of “sensitivity to change” –Used in Project ACTIVE because of it’s sensitivity to change in CHAMPS (S Wilcox et al, Am J Pub Health, 2006;96: )
64 Sensitivity to Change: Two Issues u Measure able to detect true changes u One knows how much change is meaningful on the measure
65 Relevant or Meaningful Change Is the observed change important? u To clinician: –change might influence patient management u To patient: –patient notices change –amount of change matters
66 “Minimal Important Difference” (MID) u The minimal difference that would result in a change in treatment u The smallest change perceived by patients as beneficial
67 Two Basic Approaches to Estimate MID u Anchor-based methods –Require external criterion of change u Distribution based methods –Statistical indicators of change
68 Anchor-Based Approaches to Estimating MID u Requires longitudinal studies u Criteria: –Clinical endpoints –Patient-rated global improvement –Some combination
69 Example of Anchor-Based Approach u Identify a subgroup in a study that has changed by a “minimal” amount –Clinical change –Patient reported change u Change score in a relevant health measure for this subgroup = MID
70 Locating Groups that Have Changed “Minimally” u Administer a global rating of change (perceived change) by patients –the anchor u Select subset that reported “somewhat better” or “somewhat worse” –change in a relevant health measure for this subset = MID
71 Two Categories Can Define “Minimal Change” Groups u Since your surgery, how would you rate the amount of change in your physical functioning? –Much worse –Somewhat worse –About the same –Somewhat better –Much better
72 Meaning of Change Depends on Direction of Change u A change for the better may result in a different MID than a change for the worse u May need to evaluate these as separate estimates
73 Example: Mean 2-week Change Score in Symptom Measure by Perceived Change Mean change Much better2.25 A little better1.41 minimal positive change? About the same0.42 A little worse-0.29 minimal negative change? Much worse-0.10 C Paterson. BMJ, 1996;312:
74 Distribution-Based Methods u Ways of expressing the observed change in a standardized metric u Three commonly used: –Effect size (ES) »Mean change divided by SD at baseline –Standardized response mean (SRM) »Mean change divided by SD of changes –Responsiveness statistic (RS) »Mean change divided by SD of change for people who have not changed
75 Mean 4-week Change Score in Four Measures and Responsiveness Statistic MeasurePatients who are “about the same” Patients who are “a little better” Responsiveness score Symptom Activity Well-being C Paterson. BMJ, 1996;312: Note: scores range from 1-7; Higher change scores indicate improvement
76 Multi-item Measures: More Likely to Detect Change u Instrument needs to have sufficient variability to detect change –Multi-item scales: many scale levels u Look for evidence of good variability in sample like yours (at baseline) –Room to improve
77 Effect Size of Changes in Health Due to Treatment for Menstrual Bleeding DrugsSurgery Self-rated health item Health perceptions scale (5 items) Energy/vitality Mental health Pain C Jenkinson et al. Qual Life Res, 1994;3:
78 Summary: MID of Measures u MID is based on evidence from multiple studies –Over time, learn whether evidence is strong for a particular MID u MID of a measure in one context may not generalize to another one –e.g. MID for treatment of pain in cancer may differ from MID for treatment of back pain
79 Readings as a Resource u Farivar et al. –Issues in measuring MID u Stewart et al –Methods for assessing validity (as developed for the Medical Outcomes Study) u Sechrest –Classic commentary on validation issues
80 Next Class (Class 5) u Factor analysis with Steve Gregorich
81 Homework u Complete rows in matrix for your two measures –Validity, responsiveness and sensitivity to change, scoring, and costs