Adam Stramel Jonathan Folsom Leanne Sawyer Kenneth Aerts Robin Lilly
Enter immediately into 500kg Nut. Retain a high margin per product. Build up product stock to generate a steady income. Long production runs to prevent production downtime.
Day3 Qtr8 Values Row Labels Sales Equity Net Profits Marketing Exp Bank Loan Cash Acc Payables RR $ 22,713,829 $ 16,103,301 $ 8,103,301 $ 1,821,711 $ (5,504,873) $ 1,211,331 $ - SS $ 9,582,578 $ 9,318,138 $ 1,318,138 $ 546,025 $ (12,000,000) $ 4,359,210 $ - TT $ 15,634,359 $ 11,530,920 $ 3,530,920 $ 1,362,700 $ (12,000,000) $ 6,188,129 $ (450,476) UU $ 19,476,544 $ 14,174,454 $ 6,174,454 $ 1,640,282 $ (12,000,000) $ 6,108,721 $ (614,452) VV $ 10,586,191 $ 8,444,114 $ 444,114 $ 591,980 $ (12,000,000) $ 2,208,550 $ (33,588) WW $ 15,338,336 $ 10,785,336 $ 2,785,336 $ 1,836,700 $ (12,000,000) $ 5,045,617 $ - XX $ 15,328,216 $ 11,479,390 $ 3,479,390 $ 453,550 $ (12,000,000) $ 6,150,029 $ (1,172,371) YY $ 16,512,363 $ 10,106,603 $ 2,106,603 $ 1,687,800 $ (12,000,000) $ 1,915,803 $ - Grand Total $ 125,172,417 $ 91,942,257 $ 27,942,257 $ 9,940,748 $ (89,504,873) $ 33,187,388 $ (2,270,887)
Only team in 500kg as Expected ◦ a niche was found and exploited. Moved into 500kg raisin muesli. Kept building stock in all of our products.
Increase Production Invest in lean manufacturing Keep stock levels high to stay fluid Build diverse product line Increase marketing Keep liquidity around 1.5 million Increasing production decreased Margins
Ordered too much product including an individual order for strawberries. Forecasting problem- Individual product orders actually ordered for all products. Liquidity dropped into the negatives and increased interest rate on Bank Loan. It caused us to lower our marketing expense which affected our sales. Accumulation of stock levels
Didn’t overreact to slow moving product Maintained margins Monitored Market Pricing Had Price Floor Consistently Checked Inventory
Stock Average Cost Last 10 day Avg Sale Price (Mkt) Our Avg Last 10 days sale priceMargin End Stock Qtr 6 Our Ending Stock % of Marke t No Cos In Mkt No Cos Predicted in Mkt Can Produce Today? 1 Kg Blueberry Muesli % Kg Mixed Fruit Muesli % Kg Nut Muesli % Kg Original Muesli % Kg Raisin Muesli % Kg Strawberry Muesli % %21 500g Blueberry Muesli % %13In prod 500g Mixed Fruit Muesli % %12 500g Nut Muesli % %33 500g Original Muesli % %33 500g Raisin Muesli % %22 500g Strawberry Muesli % Totals % Change in Market from Qtr %
Production increased to 49,600 units a day. Stock levels remained constant no liquidating. Margins still higher than competition. Sales climbed over 29 million. Final Net Income $14,521,722.08
More of the same Maintain Margins Increase Production Resolve Ordering difficulties Just in Time model Move out of 1Kg Strawberries into.5Kg Strawberries
Analyzed the Data Effective Teamwork & Communication Made Decisions Questions?