Miss Christina Sayegh Grade 6 St. Martin de Porres School Curriculum Night Miss Christina Sayegh Grade 6 St. Martin de Porres School
About Me
Student Expectations Respect Responsibility Independence Self-confidence Teamwork Our goal for the 2015 – 2016 school year is to have all students begin to take ownership of their own work and understand their responsibilities in the classroom community.
Announcements and homework assignments Class Website Announcements and homework assignments will be posted on the class website which can be accessed through the school website, smdpschool.net or by the following link: http://www.teacherweb.com/NY/StMartindePorres/Misssayegh/apt3.aspx Please subscribe to the NewsFlash page if you have not done so already.
Weekly Newsletter You will receive a weekly newsletter sent home with your child at the start of a new week. The newsletter will also be posted on the class webpage On the Newsletter you will find: School and Class Announcements Vocabulary words for the week Test Dates
Grading Summative Assessment (45%) Quizzes (25%) Classwork and Participation (20%) Homework (10%)
Honor Roll Principal’s – Overall average of 95+ with no grade lower than a 90 and no grade lower than a B. Scholars – Overall average of 90+ with no grade lower than a 85 and no grade lower than a B. High Achievers – Overall average of 80+ with no grade lower than a 80 and no grade lower than a B. Please note that it is very important for students to be on time for school. 2 “Lates” = No Honor Roll
Homework For Students: For Parents: Find a quiet place to work. Be sure to have no distractions (TV, music, texting, social media) Have a positive attitude and try your best! Become involved in your child’s education Designate a specific time and quiet area for homework to be completed Don’t “DO” their HW for them, but please look over the quality of the work that is being handed in
Spanish class will be held every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Special Subjects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ………….Music ………….Art ………….Computer ………….Gym Students will receive a letter grade for these classes. Students will receive a numerical grade that will be located at the top of the report card. This grade counts in the student’s overall average. Spanish class will be held every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Important Dates Interim Assessments Week of October 19 Week of January 25 Midterm Exams Begin on January 12 Archdiocesan Religion Midterm Exam – January 21 NYS Exams ELA Exam – April 5, 6, and 7 Math Exam – April 13 and 14 Finals June Archdiocesan Religion Final Exam – June 2
Other Important Things Please make sure all of your child’s supplies brought into school are labeled Absent Note If your child is absent for any reason, a note is required by NYS law when returning to school. Cell Phones Not needed in school! Please leave home. Blue Folders Go home on Tuesdays and Thursdays Please review all items in the folder and return the next day.
Social Studies Textbook Grade 6 Social Studies is based on the geography and history of the Eastern Hemisphere. Studies Include: Social Studies Textbook Prentice Hall The History of Our World The development of cultures, civilizations, and empires Interactions between societies The comparison of trends in government and economics
What/Who We Will Study Geography Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient Indus Valley Ancient China Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Byzantine Empire Judaism Christianity Islam Buddhism Hinduism Confucianism
Religion 6
Topics Covered: Religion Textbook God’s saving actions are found throughout history The Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God’s plan of salvation. The Students will understand the Old Testament as the revelation of God in the history of a people, a revelation which is fulfilled in the New Testament Religion Textbook Sadlier We Believe - We Are God’s People
Through our journey of faith, the students will: Accept themselves as loved unconditionally by God Appreciate the power of God’s word Trust God’s power and presence in the sacraments and in the events of our daily lives Grow in the ability to make moral judgments based on Catholic principles Understand that they need prayer, guidance, and effort to make moral decisions Know that each choice they make either strengthens or weakens their relationship with God and others Be willing to forgive those who have injured them and to accept the forgiveness of others Learn to respect all of God’s creation
In addition to Religion class, our faith is integrated into our curriculum. Value Infusion Program We will emphasize a Value and Saint of the month We attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and on the first and third Friday of every month. I strongly encourage you join our school community as we celebrate Mass. 6th Grade Masses: October 16 March 4
English Language Arts 6
The weighting is fixed and is as follows: Composition and Writing (40%) Grammar (40%) Spelling and Vocabulary (20%)
English Language Arts Reading Writing Grammar Read and analyze literature Read and analyze informational text Writing The writing process Composition organization Opinion writing Non-fiction narratives Research and research reports Grammar Writing mechanics Appropriate punctuation Subject verb agreement Sentence structure Pronouns Spelling There will be 1 ½ - 2 hours of ELA instruction daily.
English Language Arts Textbooks Prentice Hall Literature Copper Level EngageNY Common Core Modules The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan …and other novels ! Voyages in English Common Core Progress – English Language Arts
Vocabulary 6
About the Program Vocabulary Workbook Provides vocabulary instruction Includes a variety of Language Arts skills that will enhance overall student learning Aligned with the Common Core Vocabulary Workbook Vocabulary Workshop – Level A
Vocabulary Involves Context clues Contrast clues Prefixes Suffixes and their grammatical function Tone Synonyms Antonyms Inference Analogies Latin Roots Greek Roots
Resources www.vocabularyworkshop.com Middle-High School ©2013 Level A Orange Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop www.quizlet.com – create your own flashcards (can be accessed on iPads, computers, tablets, and phones) READING builds VOCABULARY!
My email is csayegh@smdpschool.net Contact Information Contact me via my webpage which can be found on the school website, http://www.smdpschool.net My email is csayegh@smdpschool.net