Afghanistan Protection Cluster CHAP Work-shop 5 th Sept. 2012
APC Structure APC UNHCR/NRC IDP TF MoRR/UNHCR HLP TF UNHCR/NRC CPiE SC UNICEF/CFA GBV SC UNFPA/OGB POC Working Group UNHCR Regional Protection clusters: Herat (AIHRC/UNHCR), Jalalabad, Mazar, Kunduz, Kabul, Gardez, Maimana, Bamiyan (ad-hoc), and Kandahar (working group). Regional IDP task forces: Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar and Kandahar (merged with protection clusters in Maimana, Kabul, Kunduz and Gardez) - all DoRR/UNHCR.
Protection Cluster Key issues : humanitarian access (‘protection networks’); conflict affected populations and IDPs - numbers growing (tracking, protection monitoring and timely response), durable solutions and urban situation ; transition issues and engagement with ANSF (PoC advocacy); potential deportations from Iran and Pakistan; support to IDP policy process. Protection cluster agencies: 3 Ws being updated – National level membership: UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN Women, OCHA, IOM, UNAMA Human Rights and Rule of Law, UN MACCA, WFP, UN Habitat, DRC, IRC, IR, CIC, NRC, CARE, Intersos, Tear fund, TLO, CIVIC, HRW, CIC, Trocaire, HI, AIHRC, IFRC, Hagar International, Oxfam and ICRC (observer). Indicators : # of new conflict induced displacements identified / # of new natural disaster induced displaced identified.