There is a lot of power in positive thinking!
A children's book written by Watty Piper Also a good guide for a lifetime
#1… Post Commanders You must: Place a high priority on membership growth and achieving goals Clearly express your expectations that membership growth is not optional and that we can meet our goals The responsibility of each Post member Educate membership “Why should I join?”
#2…1 st Vice must have a positive attitude and be committed to growth and attaining goals “Get the right person in the right seat on the bus” Make a written status report at all meetings; where are we now? and how will we get to where we are going?
#3…Develop a Membership Committee Have a written plan Divide up the work Make it a “Family” project… Post S.A.L. Riders Auxiliary
There is Power in Simplicity
Alice to the Cat…“Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here? The Cat to Alice…”that depends a great deal on where you want to get to” Alice…”I don’t much care where” The Cat…”Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go”
It is your roadmap to success…Tactical What do we need to do? How are we going to do it? Who is going to do it? When will it be accomplished? Keep it Simple and Flexible!
Work the Plan Review your progress…change what does not work, be open to new ideas, be flexible Keep it simple
Retain…“Close the Back door” This is your #1 objective Involve current members Phone calls Personal visits Communicate, Listen & Appreciate
Renewals Set aggressive deadlines Fast Start – 50% by July 31 st 75% by Veterans Day
Recruit Work Department 345 roster Expired member list Personal Letters Phone calls
Tie activities to recruiting opportunities Color Guard events Veterans Day Memorial Day Major Retailers Police, Fire, Sherriff departments Job Fairs…make a good 1 st impression VA Hospitals
Focus on new members Send an introductory packet Welcome letter signed by Commander Meeting Protocol Emblem Sales catalog pages for uniform cap, shirts and name tags List of active Post committees
Assign them a “Buddy” or “Sponsor” Introduce them at next Post meeting Insure the new member knows where to go to for help with questions Discover new members talents and skills and personally invite them to be involved
Responsibility of each Post member Set expectation…everyone recruits one Everyone carries a membership form Keep membership informed of progress Consider setting a “stretch goal” of 110% Keep the Post motivated - Awards Make it fun and exciting
The #1 way to grow Post membership is to be involved in your community! Boy’s State Oratorical Boy Scouts Junior Shooting Local High School JROTC
Media…insure the community know what you are doing and why Public Service Announcements in newspapers …keep it simple Post website…keep it up to date Social media…Facebook, Twitter Public Access TV
Make growth a priority Have a written plan and work it Develop a committee with a positive attitude that is motivated and committed Focus…Retaining, Renewals & Recruiting Support Legion Programs “Spread the word”…media & internal Keep it simple interesting and fun
“Membership success is not determined by fancy footwork or gimmicks. Effective membership programs are the result of one thing and one thing only, and that is effective leadership” John A Breden III, Past National Commander
Being prepared is a confidence builder…both for you and the person you are talking with The Two Minute Drill: is simply preparing beforehand a response to anticipated questions
The Two Minute Drill: The American Legion is the Nations largest and most influential network of U.S. wartime veterans. It was chartered by Congress in 1919 and is a 501 (c)19 non- profit organization.
The Two Minute Drill: “Our mission is to help veterans and their families, educate our community’s children, keep our community safe, and lend a helping hand to those in need”.
The Visual Presentation – you don’t get a 2 nd chance at a good 1 st impression Cover the Table with a Legion tablecloth Have a flag set in the middle of the table Have the roll-up billboards on display Don’t clutter the table top Brochures must have your contact information Keep chairs, food and drink out of the booth
The Visual Presentation…making a good 1 st impression…continued Keep business cards in your pocket Stand in front of the table…in the aisle Keep chairs to a minimum if at all Have enough man power so breaks can be taken Greet visitors with a smile, an extended hand and an introduction
The Greeting… “Hello, I’m Fred (shaking hands)! Are you familiar with The American Legion?” If they say “yes” inquire if they are already a member…some of them will be 345 members If they say “no” qualify them as an eligible veteran for membership If they are qualified this is your opportunity to ask sincere “probing” questions.
The Presentation Keep a “Why You Should Belong” brochure in your hand at all times Keep it brief and simple…you only have a few minutes to get your point across. Ask sincere, probing questions and they will tell you their interests. Show a sincere interest in them…thanks them for their service
The Close… Remember you don’t have to wait to the end of the presentation to close When you sense they are ready to sign…go for it! If you don’t sense a closing opportunity ask “I have an application right here and can sign you up today”.
The Follow-Up… Have a lap top computer on the table Capture contact information on everyone - name, address, phone & Follow up a few days after the meeting with a letter and a phone call within 7 days
What works in your Post? What one thing could you do differently that will result in a positive change?