Building Schools Watch video clip and answer questions How is Kaguri’s mission similar to Mortenson’s mission? – Approaches? Goals?
1. Where did most of the early trade routes begin?
Ancient Kingdoms Ghana – 700 AD – Gold for salt – Capital Kumbi Mali – Center was Timbuktu – Mansa Musa Songhai
European Colonization 1200s – Trade: word spread about wealth of African kingdoms to Europe Slave Trade – System already in place before 800s Kingdoms trade slaves Arab traders bought and sold slaves s: European Slave trade
Where did most slaves go? Effect of slave trade – 1. – 2.
Scramble for Africa Scramble for Africa Video clip
Colonization Continent = ATM machine – Source for raw materials – Market for manufactured goods Problems – Boundaries – Religion Disrupt traditional way of life – Change local economies Plantation economies
Independence: – Post World War II – Ethiopia – Liberia Always Ind.
Independence Most gain independence post 1945 Challenges: – New identities – Old eco system: meet Europe’s needs, not country – No model for democracy Rival ethnic groups struggle for power What other legacy? – Language – Infrastructure
Apartheid Video clip on Apartheid
South Africa British Colony – Originally settled by the Dutch: Boers – Small white majority left in charge (1910) Apartheid: – System of legal separation of races – School, work, medical care, etc How did it end?
1960s: South Africa’s eco is GREAT! 1970s: Protest grow 1980s: more protest, finally international community on board: Apartheid is a bad idea : President De Klerk negotiate with African National Congress (Nelson Mandela) – End with 1994 elections – Universal suffrage
End of Apartheid Video clip on Apartheid
Which countries have low population densities? What physical features account for this fact? Might these countries’ population patterns change in the future?
Conflict Minerals Child soldiers Hyperlinks for video clips
Rwanda: After the Genocide Congo: pictures Hyperlinks for video clips
Religious groups – Syncretism? ??
Religion Traditional Religions Animism: all entities are connected Connection with dead ancestors Respect for dead and other sprits important Coming of age rituals Offerings to ancestor Community led by powerful, spiritual leader
Chapter 21 section 3 Answer q’s pages: 518 (4,5); 524 (4); 529 (4,5) Cultural Features The ArtsLifestyles
How many different language groups are there? What is the largest language group?