GSC Strategy Progress
Strategic Aim 1 Support country level clusters 2
Philippines IFRC - IOM Pacific Region IFRC ColombiaIOM El Salvador HfH/IFRC MaliUNHCR/IOM Sudan Sudan UNHCR UNHCR DRC UNICEF UNICEF CARUNHCR/ACTED South Sudan South Sudan IOM/World Vision IOM/World Vision Somalia Somalia UNHCR UNHCR Yemen Yemen UNHCR UNHCR AfghanistanUNHCR/IOM Nepal IFRC IFRC BangladeshIFRC/UNDP MyanmarUNHCR VanuatuIFRC MozambiqueIFRC/UNHABITAT PalestineNRC/ACTED Syria UNHCR UNHCR Kenya Kenya IOM / KRCS IOM / KRCS Ethiopia Ethiopia IOM IOM Natural disasters Both Conflict 25 Shelter Clusters or cluster-like Iraq Iraq UNHCR UNHCR Chad Chad UNHCR/IOM UNHCR/IOM Ukraine UNHCR UNHCR MalawiIFRC 17 (70%) Represented here today
Nepal and Vanuatu emergencies Yemen declared L3 emergency 4 system-wide L3 emergencies: –Syria –South Sudan –Iraq –Yemen CAR no longer L3 Deployment to Malawi 4 Since our last meeting…
Total: 11,8 mio persons. Top 15 countries: 6 Beneficiaries reached so far in 2015
7 In 2014
8 Achievements 2014 & 2015
Deputy Coordinators Davide Nicolini GFP UNHCR/SDC Neil Bauman GFP IFRC/CanRC Gregg McDonald GFP UNHCR Joseph Ashmore GFP IOM (80%) Miguel Urquia Conflict UNHCR Pablo Medina Natural Disasters IFRC Global Focal Points for Coordination Shirin Narymbaeva Website support IFRC Vincent Annoni REACH/Impact Initiatives Assessment M&E Information Management Communication & Advocacy Roving Focal Points Bo Hurkmans IMO UNHCR GSC support team Antanas Jurksaitis ECHO grant manager UNHCR Grant Management Anna Pont Americas UN-HABITAT Wardell Eastwood AusRC Tom Bamforth GFP IFRC Global Cluster Coordinators Graham Saunders Natural Disasters IFRC Shaun Scales Conflict UNHCR
More than 70% of their time supporting country level clusters Support missions: –29 missions to 14 countries in 2013 –51 missions to 19 countries in 2014 –26 missions to 14 countries so far in Harmonized Surge Capacity
Assessments in Ukraine, Nepal and Vanuatu. Country-level clusters reviews: –Vanuatu –Ukraine 12 Assessments, monitoring and evaluations
Strategic Aim 2 An effective Global Cluster 13
59,763 visitors in last year 14 New
15 Online training on shelter
New grant received from ECHO ERC for Roadshow to donors Contributory mechanism 16 Broader donor base
Strategic Aim 3 Increased understanding of the sector 17
18 Posters, video 6 posters explaining shelter and: -Protection -Resilience -Rebuild lives -Health -Livelihoods -Home Video introducing the Global Shelter Cluster
@sheltercluster: Followers 1,463 453 tweets in last year (around 2 per working day) 19 Website and Twitter
20 Shelter Projects
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