Tilahun Amede and N5 Team Progresses in Coordination and Change project (Nile 5)
N1 – Learning from the past N3 – Targeting and scaling out N2 – Integrated rainwater Management strategies N4 – Consequences & Downstream effects Nile 5 Coordinating NBDC NBDC Coordination & Change IP and governance For Nile BDC Networks for Innovation of improved RWM Communication, Documentation Synthesis
Impact Pathways and M&E Creating space and forums for cross-project learning, Joint engagement and Adaptive management: Two times per year Reflection workshops; 7 Monthly meetings; Various informal interactions; Facilitated development of thematic, cross-project areas (May 2011); 5 themes being identified and initiated; Aligning with the regular 6-monthly reporting (financial and technical); Project by project interactions and identification of strengths and areas for improvement
M&E… M&E focal persons appointed under each project as key contact persons to facilitate M&E activities Draft report of the baseline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) study has been concluded but needs to be adapted with the follow up KAP survey. Content of KAPP shared with selected project team members for their input and validation. Intent to share report on the changes in KAP on the Wiki. Livelihood analysis tool developed with Nile 2 and reviewed by the Nile 5 M&E team to integrate gender and the livelihood indicators. With Nile 2, a tool to capture current knowledge sharing practices, social networks has been developed and is currently being implemented.
N5 M&E team facilitated the process of story collection for the most significant change stories as part of the required 6 monthly reporting system. The stories and the processes of collection of the stories are on the wiki Tools to collect baseline data at different actor levels (local actors, project partners) developed under different projects
No doubt that in Ethiopia several important national and sectoral NRM policies; Key action areas for policy influence: 1. Policies are made without adequate assessment and drawing lessons of existing/old policies (strategies); 2.Policy making rarely taking evidences form grassroots and (through performance evaluations); 3. Emergencies / personalities / external drivers; 4. Documentation of evidence/ Lack of adequate and up-to-date dataset; 5.Quite often policy implementation guidelines, laws and regulations are lacking; Understanding Policy making process
Understanding Policy…. 6. Adequate analytical skills, models and knowledge; 7. Independence in policy analysis, i.e., bias towards favoring government or donors’ interest; 8.Lack of informed debate among stakeholders; particularly civil society; 9. Inadequate communication / networking between different stakeholders 10.Lack of policy implementation capacity at all levels; 11.Lack of proper policy implementation monitoring and evaluation. 12. Policy coordination and integration (across sectors) is still a challenge.
Innovation Research Consultations on how Innovation Platforms facilitate change and influence action in Land, water and ecosystems at various Scales; Extensive review of historical perspectives of various similar initiatives (task forces, committees, networks…) Actor landscaping done Analysis of successes and failures documented Data set on major actors/ leaders of these initiatives; gaps / policy support / personalities
NBDC Increasing web, broadening influence
National Platforms: Vision and objectives “Ensure a healthy, sustainable, and equitable use and management of natural resources for improved productivity, livelihoods and ecosystem services in Ethiopia” (8 April, 2011) 1. Improve sectoral integration, communication and cross- institutional learning 3. To improve access to knowledge and resources 2. Create optimal conditions for (demand driven) capacity in research, development, academia and policy development 4. Provide an enabling environment for sustainable and equitable value- added production systems and functional market links
Organizational structure Steering Committee (9 rep institutions); led by a President and Vice President; Regional Platforms Local Level Platforms (N2 is facilitating but also AAU) Working groups, dwelling on selected technical areas of interest – Institutional innovation – Technological innovation – Policy influence group – Resilient ecosystems
Approach Other Districts Local district IPs Regional IPs National IP Sites within districtsNon-project sites within districts Sharing & Learning Scaling out Representation 12 Thematic working groups Policy forums Portal
Structure Steering Committee Support NBDC Theme 2 Theme 3 Theme 4 Theme 5 Theme 6 Theme 7 Theme 1 Members programs’, projects, activities National Platform meeting Links to policy
Implications Brining non-traditional parties together; e.g. MoA and Water action; EEF and ARARI etc; Space for issues beyond rainwater; SLM; Greening of landscapes, Water and Sanitation; Attracting attention of various institutions (ICRAF Africa rising, FAO, Ethiopian Food Security fund); Attracted attention of donors (e.g. DFID, UNEP);
Communicating Inside Out Project and event planning and reporting – Within the Basin, we use an open wiki accessible to all project staff (and visible to others – to share plans and information needed to coordinate the Challenge. Documenting discussions and events – This includes archiving reports, documents, presentations, posters etc in an open repository ( Using different meeting formats – Workshops, events, and meetings are important parts of the Challenge; hard seat’ interviews Publishing open products – These include Dspace for reports, flickr for photos, slideshare for presentations and posters, and blip for video (see Spillovers to other organizations: Our Dspace repository has evolved to include a repository for the CPWF; the Google Calendar is being used by CPWF and the Mekong; The CPWF has a lively Yammer network; NBDC ‘model’ as a demonstration/discussion base for other ILRI projects
Wider influence and institutional change Linking Projects with bigger initiatives; rainwater with income / benefits. National forums; National platforms on land, water, NRM; Membership in Key national forums (e.g. WWW with MoWR; Irrigation taskforce with MoA); Hosting, co-hosting regional and global conferences; Water 2011, EcoCASD2011; World Water Week; Africa wide forums: ACPC on RWM for CC (series); African Livestock Production Society; Global forums; IFWF3; Cop 17; Africa wide RWM networks; Building trust & participation of policy makers at national and regional levels; (e.g. President of Amhara RS)
Attracting Investment DFID- SCIP Ethiopia; Institutional learning and policy action hub on NRM for CRGE delivery in Ethiopia ; 750,000 Pound; Establish a proactive hub for governmental institutions, NGOs, donors, private sector and civil societies to develop collective action and facilitate a national movement on NRM for CRGE in Ethiopia; UNEP; Creating communities capacity for Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia; 200,000 USD N2Africa; large scale, science research project focused on putting legumes to intensify African Landscapes; 5 year / 5 million; Discussing with World Vision Ethiopia on potential collaboration
Contribution to emerging Initiatives (ICRAF Africa rising, FAO, UNEP,CRGE) Participatory decision making of policy makers, development institutions and investors Institutional capacity in planning, implementation and communication Learning on key interventions and approaches to enhance coordination, improved action and evidence-based planning Improved strategic thinking on greening/ water/ climate resilient investment and identification and addressing institutional and policy constraints Institutional & strategic 18
Priorities /Adjustments to 2013 Evidence from NBDC-still infant spread/ now coming up; Focus on external communication / publications/ briefs/ Videos; Major policy related workshops DAAG Group DFID funding for wider influence, local-regional- national ; NBDC projects to align; Africa wide RWMs; aligning with Volta and Limpopo