CAESAR Systems Limited An introduction to ISO 15926-2 Industrial automation systems and integration – Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities – Part 2: Data model David Leal CAESAR Systems Limited Magne Valen-Sendstad POSC Caesar
Technical Information- Vigdis Installation Contract TLP Tipas DB EPC/Suppliers Nymo DB Project DB EP Contractor Viiking DB SAGA S-Div. DB DFO DB Suppliers = Human interaction DFO = Documents For Operation = Electronic transfer
8 definitions of mean time between failure MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE (#RDS7925234) A period of time which is the mean period of time interval between failures. MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 1 A (#RDS14647190) The time duration between two consecutive failures of a repaired item. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 1 B (#RDS14647235) The expectation of the time between failures: Note. - In English, the use of the abbreviation MTBF in this sense is now deprecated. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 1 C (#RDS14647280) The expectation of the operating time between failures. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 1 D (#RDS14647325) Total time duration of operating time between two consecutive failures of a repaired item . International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 2 (#RDS14647415) Predicts the average number of hours that an item, assembly, or piece part will operate before it fails. Jones J. V. (1987), Integrated Logistics Support Handbook, McGraw Hill Inc., USA. MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 3 (#RDS14647145) For a particular interval, the total functional life of a population of an item divided by the total number of failures within the population during the measurement interval. The definition holds for time, rounds, miles, events, or other measure of life units. MIL-PRF-49506 (1996), Performance Specification Logistics Management Information MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE 4 (#RDS14646965) The average length of time a system or component works without failure. MIL-HDBK-29612-4
Product Data Inconsistencies MANUFACTURERS DRAWING 32 30 STUDBOLTS 1”UNC, 5 1/ 2 ” ASTM A453 GR660 EN10204/2.2 64 31 NUTS 1”UNC ASTM A453 GR660 EN10204/2.2 2 29 SUPPORT BRACKET 6-194-4 ISO 15926 REFERENCE DATA LIBRARY Id: Name: <ISO15926-4>#NNNNNNN ASTM A 453/A 453M - 660 CLASS A ENGINEERING DATASHEET 07.1 Bolts/External Flnges ASTM A 453M GR660, TP1 (3.1B) 07.1 Nuts External Flanges ASTM A 453M GR660, TP1 (3.1B) 07.1 Brackets/Supports BS 1501-316-S11__________ (3.1.B)
ISO 15926 Integration of Life Cycle Data for Process Plants including Oil & Gas production facilities. Integration Capability to span multiple applications Restrictions specific to applications must be kept at application level, not affecting the integration model Life Cycle Data shall last for 25-75 years HSE requirements Accessibility to data Need to know what you have data about Value of data compared to value of installation? System independent
Lifecycle Aspects Required Activity Required Activity Actual Activity Conceptual Process Design Detailed Process Design Commission Process Required Facility Planned Facility Actual Facility Conceptual Engineering Design Detailed Engineering Design Construction Required Material Planned Material Actual Material Procurement
Examples of Lifecycle Objects Pressure Transmitting - Environment HAZOP Maintainability etc External requirements Tag xxxx Design Case 1 Design Case 2 Process Design Case 3 Process/performance requirements Functional Location Tag xxxx Package Specification MMMM Data Sheet for xxxx Procurement Package MMMM Consolidated Requirements Pressure transmitter suitable for Tag xxxx Model X Variant Y Conformance ROSEMOUNT 3051CG ROSEMOUNT 3051CG5A22A1KB4I1L4M6Q4 Data Sheet for xxxx Model X Variant Y Serial # 123456 Conformance Operational Data for 123456 3051CG5A22A1KB4I1L4M6Q4 #123456 All objects have separate lifecycles
Space-time maps I
Space-time maps II
Space-time maps III PRESSURE TRANSMITTER class_of_inanimate_physical_object
Space-time maps IV Specifications/class data Product data sheets etc PRESSURE TRANSMITTER class_of_inanimate_physical_object ROSEMOUNT 3051CG class_of_inanimate_physical_object #1234567 Installed Objects/individual data
Integration Across Applications Project Data Sheet Product Data Sheet P&ID 3D CAD External Level Conceptual Model (Integration) ISO 15926 DM+RDL Physical Level P1 P2
Integration Across Project Phases Conceptual Process Design Detailed Engineering Design Procurement Construction Operation External Level Conceptual Model (Integration) ISO 15926 DM+RDL Physical Level P1 P2
ISO 15926 - Data Model and Reference Data Library OWL Core Classes Standard & Proprietary Properties Classes Manufacturer Specified Properties Classes Property Classes Standardised in ISO 15926-2 Core Classes Standard & Proprietary Activity Classes Manufacturer Specified Activity Classes Data Model Standardised in ISO 15926-4 RDL Core Classes Common Terminology Standardised by e.g. ISO /IEC/ ANSI/ BS/DIN, represented using ISO 15926 Standard & Proprietary Classes Product Catalogues represented using ISO 15926 Physical Object Classes Manufactured Item Classes
ISO 15926 ISO 15926 Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities ISO 15926 - 1 Overview and fundamental principles (Approved IS) ISO 15926 - 2 Data model (Approved IS) ISO 15926 - 3 Geometry. (TS ready for submission) (For initial content see: ISO 15926 - 4 Initial reference data. (Approved TS. See next slides for parts) ISO 15926 - 5 Procedures for registration and maintenance of reference data (NWI/CD pending resolution on MA) ISO 15926 - 6 Scope and methodology for developing additional reference data (NWI/CD to be submitted to ISO Q1 2008) ISO 15926 - 7 Implementation methods for the integration of distributed systems (TS to be submitted to ISO Q1 2008)
ISO 15926-4 Initial Set ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) ACTIVITY ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) BASICS ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) CLASS OF CLASS ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) CONNECTION MATERIAL ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) CONTROL FUNCTION ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) ELECTRICAL ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) ENCODED INFORMATION ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) HEAT TRANSFER ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) INFORMATION ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) INSTRUMENT ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) PIPING ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) PROPERTY ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) PROTECTION ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) ROTATING EQUIPMENT ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) SOLID HANDLING ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) STATIC EQUIPMENT ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) TRANSPORT ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) UOM ISO TS 15926-4 (2007) VALVES ROTATING EQUIPMENT to be added Q3/2008
Access To Part 4 Data
Key parts of ISO 15926-2 Precise statements Implemented in EXPRESS Superseded by RDF Physical individuals and classes serial numbered item and model 4D approach to change Practical approach to life cycle Small number of key relationships partOf, connectedTo, contains Formal approach to physical properties
Assets and facilities An asset is an item of equipment which has a material identity. Hence an asset retains its identity when it is removed a system and is maintained or used elsewhere A facility is a part of a system which has a functional identity. A facility cannot be removed from the system of which it is a part and used elsewhere. An asset is installed to provide, or act as, a facility.
replacement of equipment installed as G_101 Assets and facilities time space facility G_101 asset no. 98-12345 in store asset no. 84-78910 being repaired 2008-04-28T15:00 replacement of equipment installed as G_101 2008-09-12T23:00
Temporal parts A period in the life of an object is another object – a temporal part. A statement about an object which is true for a period of time, but not always, is made about the temporal part. √ :Y91_SPF a :MotorCar ; :ownedBy .
Temporal parts A period in the life of an object is another object – a temporal part. A statement about an object which is true for a period of time, but not always, is made about the temporal part. √ :Y91_SPF a :MotorCar . :Y91_SPF_2006-01-11_to_2008-05-13 :part2:temporalPartOf :Y91_SPF ; :during [ t:hasBeginning [t:inXSDDateTime 2006-01-11 ] ; t:hasEnd [t:inXSDDateTime 2008-05-13 ] ] ; :ownedBy . temporal part – a key concept in ISO 15926-2 √
Temporal parts – assets and facilities time space facility G_101 asset no. 98-12345 in store asset no. 84-78910 being repaired 2008-04-28T15:00 replacement of equipment installed as G_101 2008-09-12T23:00 output 100000 kilowatt-hours [ :part2:temporalPartOf :G_101 ; :during [ t:hasBeginning [t:inXSDDateTime 2008-01-11 ] ; t:hasEnd [t:inXSDDateTime 2008-01-25 ] ] ; :outputActivePower [ part4:kilowatt-hour 100000 ].
Temporal parts – assets and facilities time space facility G_101 asset no. 98-12345 in store asset no. 84-78910 being repaired 2008-04-28T15:00 replacement of equipment installed as G_101 2008-09-12T23:00 output 100000 kilowatt-hours [ :part2:temporalPartOf :84-78910 ; :part2:temporalPartOf :G_101 ; :during [ t:hasBeginning [t:inXSDDateTime 2008-01-11 ] ; t:hasEnd [t:inXSDDateTime 2008-01-25 ] ] ; :outputActivePower [ part4:kilowatt-hour 100000 ].
Relationships between physical objects there is nothing much else you can say :A part2:partOf :B . :A part2:connectedTo :C . :A part2:contains :D . but if you want to defined more relationships you can – as reference data part of temporally assembly connected to contains
Classification what sort of thing something is Part 2 has a vocabulary for classification. :MyAsset part2:classifiedAs adv:Model_ABC_V5 ; part2:classifiedAs part4:CentrifugalPump .
Classification what sort of thing something is Part 2 has a vocabulary for classification. It is built-in to the RDF/N3 representation :MyAsset a adv:Model_ABC_V5 ; a part4:CentrifugalPump .
Specialisation relationship between sorts of thing Part 2 has a vocabulary for classification. adv:Model_ABC_V5 part2:specialisationOf part4:CentrifugalPump .
Specialisation relationship between sorts of thing adv:Model_ABC_V5 rdfs:subClassOf part4:CentrifugalPump . Part 2 has a vocabulary for classification. RDF has an equivalent vocabulary.
Specialisation the vocabulary is used within part 4 part4:CentrifugalPump rdfs:subClassOf part4:Pump .
Physical properties relationships to physical quantities scale “indirect physical property” MyAsset 230 V 230 operatingVoltage volt type type ElectricPotential Real physical quantity space
Physical properties relationships to physical quantities Part 4 contains a vocabulary of scales MyAsset 230 V 230 operatingVoltage volt type type Part 4 contains a vocabulary of properties ElectricPotential Real
Physical properties relationships to physical quantities this can be anonymous MyAsset 230 operatingVoltage volt type type ElectricPotential Real
Physical properties relationships to physical quantities :MyAsset part4:operatingVoltage [ part4:volt 230 ] . Reality check: Is there unnecessary complexity?
More… We will present more details on all the parts later today and tomorrow