Rom. 1:20
2 EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGNS I. BOMBARDIER BEETLES - more than 500 species altogether, defense mechanism - fire a mixture of chemicals from special glands in their posterior. Store hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide (others depending on the species). When they are threatened, the two chemicals are squirted through two tubes, where they are mixed along with small amounts of catalytic enzymes. These generate enough heat to bring the mixture up to 212 °F and vaporize about a fifth of it. The boiling, foul-smelling liquid partially becomes a gas and is expelled with a loud popping sound.
3 I. Bombardier Beetles Under pressure of the released gasses, a valve is forced closed, and the chemicals are expelled explosively through openings at the tip of the abdomen. Each time it does this it shoots about 70 times very rapidly. The damage caused can be fatal to attacking insects and small creatures and is painful to human skin. EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGNS
4 II. DID THEY EVOLVE? Evolutionists offer step-by-step explanations for this how this could have evolved… But only intelligent design can explain how a beetle can have the right chemicals, in the right places, mixed in the right way, and propelled at the right time and in direction. All these complicated details do not just happen by chance… EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGNS
5 III. COMMENTS BY THE WORLD “The defense spray of the bombardier beetle Stenaptinus insignis is ejected in quick pulses (at about 500 pulses per second) rather than a continuous stream…. The ejection system of the beetle shows basic similarity to the pulse jet propulsion mechanism of the German V-1 “buzz” bomb of World War II…. The abdominal tip acts as a revolvable turret that enables the beetles to aim the spray in all directions…. as a pulsed jet, in analogy with fluid delivery systems known from technology but not from animal glands (“Defensive Spray of the Bombardier Beetle: A Biological Pulse Jet,” Science, 248: , June 8. ). EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGNS
6 III. COMMENTS BY THE WORLD “ Its defense system is extraordinarily intricate, a cross between tear gas and a tommy gun. When the beetle senses danger, it internally mixes enzymes contained in one body chamber with concentrated solutions of some rather harmless compounds, hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinones, confined to a second chamber. This generates a noxious spray of caustic benzoquinones, which explode from its body at a boiling 212°F. What is more, the fluid is pumped through twin rear nozzles, which can be rotated like a B-17’s gun turret, to hit a hungry ant or frog with bull’s-eye accuracy” (“Drafting the Bombardier Beetle,” (1985), Time Magazine, p. 70, February 25.).
7 EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGNS CONCLUSION: INTELLIGENT DESIGN DOES IT TAKE A DARWIN TO UNDERSTAND? On one occasion in 1828 he stripped bark from a dead tree and caught a rare beetle in each hand, then saw another new species. With the habits of an egg collector, he popped the beetle from his right hand into his mouth and grabbed the other with his free hand. The beetle which he had placed in his mouth, likely a bombardier beetle, "ejected some intensely acrid fluid, which burnt [his] tongue," forcing him to spit it out; he lost the beetle, as well as the third one. GOD GIVES EVIDENCE (ROM. 1:18-21)!