Ultimate goal Assessment of several tools developed to address different aspects of higher reasoning and scientific thinking – Tools informed by philosophy of science, education, and cognitive science – Major difference: philosophy of science Iglika Pavlova
Question to investigate Does the tool “scales of evidence and belief” increase scientific thinking? – This tool addresses the complexity of the process of using evidence to form beliefs – Tool for both learning and assessment – Development of metacognition – Quantitative component Iglika Pavlova
Scale of belief Iglika Pavlova 100 % [+] 100 % [ - ] 0% Believe claim is TRUE withhold belief Believe claim is NOT true
Context Issues in evidential support – Levels of evidence – Disconfirming evidence – Ethical component of belief – Possibility and necessity – Withholding belief Course – Non-bio majors, ~20 students – Second of 2 required “core” courses at U of C – Students have a menu of courses to choose from – Reasoning component Explicit Infusion within “Evolution and intelligent design” Iglika Pavlova
Assessment 1.Pre- and post- concept assessment – Select critical thinking skills 2.Records of student work using “scales of evidence and belief” tool – Written; Video to record process of change? 3.Diary-style analysis of events in their life, personal and professional 4.Final paper *Longitudinal study Iglika Pavlova