For learning and competence CHANCES – Developing career counselling services to prevent exclusion of young people Matti Taajamo Steering Group Meeting of the Transnational CHOICES Project Consortiumi
2 For learning and competence Multiprofessional cooperation to support the integration of immigrants into working life project aims to develop multiprofessional collaboration of different officials/authorities working in various sectors research and development on the work practices of people working with immigrants project provides training and consultation for differnt officials working with immigrants
3 For learning and competence Themes of the interview (for people working with immigrants) needs for training in multicultural guidance and counselling good practices in immigrant work regional network and multiprofessional co-operation
4 For learning and competence Awareness of cultural differences and enhancing one’s own cultural sensitivity How to better understand a person coming into a foreign country and different culture Major cultural blocks in the world: western, Islamic, Indian, oriental and African Immigrants as a heterogeneous group – individual experiences Knowledge facilitates communication with immigrants and prevents misunderstandings
5 For learning and competence Immigrants’ engagement in education What does it call for from a teacher and teaching? –Heterogeneous teaching groups as a challenge –Individual teaching arrangements/differentiation of teaching –Practical pedagogical/didactic knowledge
6 For learning and competence Important to learn Finnish How language learning is/can be supported? –Preparatory immigrant classes –Finnish as a second language –Various language courses –Other means? What hinders language learning? –In-group formation – Motivational factors
7 For learning and competence Resource allocation Resources in terms of money, time and personal capacity Resources vary by locations and institutions Co-operation needed –It is wished that guidance really belonged to everybody –Everyone working with immigrants had a shared basic knowledge about immigrant issues
8 For learning and competence Attitudes Immigrants’ experiences of the Finnish attitudinal climate affect the intergration prosess – cultural literacy –Finns’ attitudes and influencing them –Immigrants attitudes Racisms, marginalisation and loneliness –Good communication is the best remedy at the school level
9 For learning and competence Co-operation and networking No author can alone respond to customers’ need Problem areas relate to the sufficiency, flow and coordination of information Solution: multiprofessional and cross-sectoral/cross- departmental co-operation?
10 For learning and competence Good practices Communication/encountering skills Different kinds of projects Practical guidance and counselling