Muscle of the Shoulder and Upper Limbs
1. The trapezius group 2. The deltoid group
Large superficial muscle Origin: Occipital bone and spinous process of thoracic vertebrae Insertion: Clavicle and scapula Action: on scapula
1. Clavotrapezius Elevates and retracts scapula Extends forearm in forward motion Three separate trapezius muscles in cat compared to one in human:
2. Acromiotrapezius Adducts the scapula Three separate trapezius muscles in cat compared to one in human:
3. Spinotrapezius Adduct scapula and pulls it posteriorly Three separate trapezius muscles in cat compared to one in human:
Origin: Spine of scapula Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action: Shoulder abduction, flexion, extension, rotation
1. Clavobrachialis (aka clavodeltoid) Flexes the forearm abduction Three separate deltoid muscles in cat compared to one in human:
2. Acromiodeltoid Flexes the humerus and rotates it outward Three separate trapezius muscles in cat compared to one in human:
3. Spinodeltoid Acts in synergy with acromiodeltoid Three separate trapezius muscles in cat compared to one in human:
Action: Elevates scapula Origin: Transverse process of first 4 cervical vertebrae Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula
Action: pulls forelimb dorsocaudally Origin: last 6 thoracic vertebrae, all lumbar vertebrae and iliac crest Insertion: intertubercular groove of humerus
clavotrapezius clavobrachialis Pectoralis major Pectoantebrachialis