Introductions Review Agenda Chair Orientation Committee Chair Responsibilities/expectations (includes RUSA requirements) Handbook updates Blowing up the Handbook! Separate appendices from the Handbook – own standalone documents (all need updating!) By Laws update Midwinter updates Other topics? AGENDA
EXEC Committee Donna Scanlon, Chair Courtney Greene McDonald, Vice-Chair Stephanie Graves, Past-Chair Chanitra Bishop, Secretary Amy Fry, MAL Jason Matthew Coleman, MAL Matt Torrence, MAL WELCOME
ETS Committee Chairs Best Free Web SitesAshley Rosener & Paul Victor, Jr., Co-Chair Conference Program PlanningDebbie Bezanson, Chair Hot Topics in E-Reference DGJessica Huffman, Chair Svcs for Systems & Discovery*Geoffrey Morse, Chair MERS Lily Todorinova, Chair ETS AchievementAmy L. Fry, Chair NominatingStephanie Graves, Chair OutreachShannon Jones, Chair PlanningNancy Cunningham, Chair Professional DevelopmentBeth Boatright, Chair Publications**Members at Large? UX DesignRyan Shepard, Chair VR Ref. DGJessica Cerny, Chair *New name – formerly Local Systems & Services and Products & Services **Revamping/combining/?? WELCOME
6 Areas of Responsibility 1.Committee Engagement 2.Membership 3.ALA Conference Meetings 4.Virtual Meetings 5.Publicity 6.Communication CHAIRS ORIENTATION
To-Do : Set at least one goal that you would like to accomplish this year as Chair. Maybe that’s hosting a program or updating your committee charge. As we re-vamp the Handbook, committee involvement will be key! Chairs are responsible for keeping committees moving forward toward your goal. Remember that Executive Committee approval is needed if you are planning a program, discussion forum, publication, special project, etc. Be aware of the deadlines associated with approval for each event. 1. COMMITTEE ENGAGEMENT
To-Do: Check Your Membership Roster for Accuracy (including dates of appointment). If members' personal information changes (new job, new address, etc), they must update it themselves by signing into their profile on the ALA website and updating the information. If members need to be added or dropped from the committee roster, their status changed, (virtual, intern, consultant, etc.) or their dates of appointment are inaccurate, please inform the ETS Chair, Donna Scanlon 2. MEMBERSHIP
To-Do : Identify members for re-appointment on the committee Ask members who are completing their first two-year term on the committee to see if they wish to continue for a second two-year appointment Consider running for a second term as Chair. If you have served two terms as Chair already, try to identify someone who should be Chair next year. reappointment information to the Vice-Chair, Courtney Greene McDonald after MidWinter 2. MEMBERSHIP
To-Do: Take attendance at meeting using the Committee attendance form. Visitors : If you have visitors to committee meetings, include their contact information on the Committee attendance form and give or the information to the Vice Chair, immediately after the meeting. Visitors are potential members of ETS and potential committee members, so collecting this information is important. Unresponsive Members : If you have a problem with a committee member not responding at all, check with the Chair. There is some boilerplate language in the ETS Handbook starting on page 73 that you can adapt as needed. ENCOURAGE USE OF THE RUSA VOLUNTEER FORM! 2. MEMBERSHIP
Before ALA: Create an Agenda Meeting Agenda and Reminder of meeting date, time, and location to all committee members Gather any info or feedback from committee members not able to attend ALA At ALA: Run committee meetings at conferences Have attendees introduce themselves Take special note if any visitors are interested in joining the committee Keep an attendance sheet. Encourage all committee members to participate during the meeting Minutes: Determine who will take minutes for the meeting. Make sure that the person taking minutes has a copy of the attendance information to include in the minutes. Minutes from the committee meeting held at the last conference should be approved during the current meeting or via prior to the meeting. All approved minutes should be sent to the ETS webmaster at (is this still valid?) to be posted to the committee web page. The minutes should also be sent to the ETS Chair, Vice Chair, Chair of the Planning Committee, and the Executive Committee Liaison for the committee. (These will be useful for the end of year report to 3. ALA CONFERENCE MEETINGS
Set regular virtual meetings with your committee. RUSA has a license for Adobe Connect, which can also be used to schedule virtual committee meetings. There is also a teleconferencing option. You and your committee members may also have access to other tools such as GoToMeeting, BaseCamp, etc., and of course there are free tools such as Skype and Google Docs. If you find a tool to be particularly worthwhile, please share your experiences with the group as we are always looking at ways to improve our virtual productivity. 4. VIRTUAL MEETINGS
Encourage all members to participate in work between conferences. Delegate roles to committee members. Send progress updates to committee members throughout the year. Send out minutes of all virtual meetings. Keep the Executive Committee informed through your Member at Large. 4. VIRTUAL MEETINGS
1. Committee Web Page Committee Web Pages are listed at: (note – page needs updating for new name and committee changes) It is one of the roles of the committee to keep your committee web page up-to-date. If the committee also chooses to maintain a separate wiki or blog, a link can be added to the committee web page; however, current information should continue to be added to the committee web page. Send documents for posting to the ETS webmaster (now MAL) at (?). It is not necessary to convert documents to Committee web pages should contain: The Committee Charge/Statement of Purpose – A short statement of what the committee does. See the description in the ETS Handbook for your committee. andbook/marshnbk08.pdf (Review and update for new handbook) andbook/marshnbk08.pdf Substantive Content – Links to publications, info about programs, discussion forums, handouts, Power Points presented during programs/discussion forums, etc. 5. PUBLICITY (3 WAYS)
2. ALA Connect: Administrative Information Agenda of upcoming meeting – Can also be posted in ALA Connect Minutes of past meetings – Can also be posted in ALA Connect Current roster (password protected-access limited to ALA members) If there are errors in the roster – DO NOT SEND corrections to the WEBMASTER. Personal committee member information must be corrected by the member by signing into his/her profile on ALA. If committee members' names are missing, members are listed who are not members, member's status, terms is wrong, etc., contact the ETS Chair, Donna Scanlon, 5. PUBLICITY (3 WAYS)
3. ETS-L / MESSAGES from ETS Committee chairs and members should make sure they are subscribed to ETS-L and RUSA-L. The activity isn’t high and it is a good way to keep up-to-date with RUSA and ETS activities. Chairs should draft summaries of meetings and activities for inclusion in Messages from ETS. The ETS-L/Messages from ETS editor will send out deadline information during the year. Between issues of “Messages” feel free to send s to the ETS-L and RUSA-L listservs. 5. PUBLICITY (3 WAYS)
Communicate with: Your Committee members frequently Consider using a blog, wiki or other tools to manage communication The Executive Committee the ETS Chair at any time, Ask questions of your Member at Large Chairs should attend at least one ExComm meetings at each ALA conference to report on the committee’s activities. ETS and RUSA Groups ETS-L : To subscribe, unsubscribe, manage subscription options or view ETS-L archive, go to ALA Connect : ALA Connect has been pre-populated with ALA individual and committee membership information. Schedule time to communicate! 6. COMMUNICATE
Feel free to contact the Executive Committee Liaison for your committee or the ETS Chair if you have questions, concerns, or ideas to share throughout the year. QUESTIONS? / COMMENTS
Complete transition from MARS to ETS Update website & documents (handbook, bylaws, etc) for new name Update Handbook Review Committee structure (see draft proposal from Planning committee) Separate, update and post revised handbook sections Capitalize on Emerging Technologies interest Explore opportunities for virtual participation and virtual engagement in the work of ETS GOALS
Thanks everybody!!