Organization Design and Dynamics RONDELL DATA CORPORATION Arif Hartawan | Devi Delicia | Ivan Ciptandi | Steffanie Yutasya | Tia Angelina | Vincent Fanata
Rondell Data Corporation “Organization is the architecture on which enterprises are built, but organizations must be willing to change frequently in order to grow and remain viable” (Cook, Hunsaker, & Coffey) Jelasin kalimat ini,sebagai faktor critical yang berperan pada kasus
Company Background Founder : Bob Rondell 1920 established as Rondell Equipment Company manufacture electrical devices 1947 radio broadcasting equipment 1960 data transmission equipment Company’s growth = 1947 – 100 employees 1978 – 800 employees Mission :Good reputation as a source of high quality, innovative designs Jelasin2 aja
Rondell Data Corporation 1978 Organization Chart Jelasin bagan ini….gmana hubungannya… “He’s a creative genius. Sure the chart says he work for me, but we all know Doc has his own thing.” Forbus
Organization’s Current Design Family Spirit Personal contact communication style Key factor recruiting outstanding engineers Low Formalization Relationship based on mutual respect Policies and procedures didn’t work well Age/Experience valued “There’s a real barrier for a newcomer here.” Fred Rodgers Little rewards for creativity straight salary plus a share of profit all employees
Organization’s Current Design Centralized “ If Doc gets new product idea, you can’t argue.” “ There is no denying that Doc is the most important person in the company.” Forbus’s subordinates Functional grouping Jelasin perusahaan ini tuh disusun untuk functional Jadi tiap bagian ada kerjaannya sendiri… tapi Hunt nya suka mengambil keputusan(centralized) mendominasi yang bergantung sama doc….role functional group yang laen terganngu
New product introduction Current Issues Disputes in organization New product introduction research engineering sales production Jelasin masalah yang dihadapi sama perusahaaan Masalahnya hanya pada ke 4 poin tersebut Masalah 802nya…ceritain aja masalah New filtering technique yang muncul pada last minute….forbusnya juga gak bisa bantah…karena itu keputusan si doc…ketidakefisiensiannya ada di slide selanjutnya Sama kasi tau aj Product “802”returned from production 4 times due to design flaws dan juga customernya udah mulai berontak…bahkan pelanggan 15 tahunnya ngasi penalty buat rondell reputasi jelek
Current Issues Process of Production Low communication and coordination “Production engineering is almost nonexistent in this company.” John Oates Sales order Designers Production R&D
Porter’s Competitive Strategies Differentiation Rondell Data Corporation Learning orientation with strong horizontal coordination Strong capability in research Values and builds in mechanisms for customer intimacy Rewards employee creativity, risk taking, innovation Learning orientation with poor horizontal coordination Strong capability in research Values and builds in mechanisms for customer intimacy Little rewards for employee’s creativity, risk taking, innovation
Organizational Design Mintzberg’s Organizational Type: Dijelasin 4 bagian organisasi mintzberg punya….udahnya jelasin kalau perusahaan ini masih pada tahap entrepreneurial structure, karena perusahaan ini dari awal tidak banyak mengalami perubahan desain organisasi. Jadi perusahaan ini tuh bisa dibilang setengah2, dari entre sama condong dikit ke tipe adhocracy, jadi jangan terpaku sama 5 tipe tersebut kata ibunya Kendalanya perkembangan tidak diimbangi dengan perkembangan parts”administrative sama middle management
Organization Stage II I Jelasin klo perusahaan tuh ada saaatnya, dari entrepreneur ke yang lain I II
Conclusion and Recomendation Communication Coordination Strong Foundation of Organization Sales order Designers Production R&D Ini kata ibunya 2 hal ini paling penting dalam berorganisasi,jadi gw masukin dhe Jadi dengan 2 hal tersbut bisa membuat simple masalah Sales order R&D Designer Production
Conclusion and Recomendation Focus on repairing the organization’s administrative and middle management It could be accomplished by hiring management consultant Change Organization design From Entrepreneurial structure Adhocracy = develops in a complex, rapidly changing environment Decentralize Hunt and Doc won’t dominate the decision Another divisions will have their own duties Jelasin juga aj mission awal perusahaan yang Cuma fokus sama inno