ROMANIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION National Centre for Development of Vocational Education and Training Implementation Unit of Phare Programme TVET RO 2006/ Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training – training of external monitors Strategic planning of vocational training provision through vocational education and training REAP-LEAP-SAP Regional Coordinator NCDTVET MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Strategic planning of vocational training provision through vocational education and training Major goal: increase of contribution of the vocational education and training to a quick and effective transition towards a competitive innovative, participative, inclusive and knowledge-based economy. The term „strategic planning” is used with the meaning of 5-7 year medium-term „forecast” of the VET provision EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Model of strategic planning of vocational training provision through VET The model is aimed at ensuring a vocational training provision through VET relevant in relation to the forecast needs of the labour market Relevance of the vocational training provision - - quantitative – competence and qualifications gap on the labour market; - - qualitative – territoriality of the provision (geographical, sectorial), quality of learning outcomes EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Model of strategic planning of vocational training provision through VET decentralization of decision-making process and its allocation to several decision-making levels, namely national, regional, county and local participative exercise based on the collective action of multiple economic and social partners combines top-to-bottom with bottom-to-top decision flow EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Conceptual scheme of strategic planning model in VET Complementary collective action of institutional stakeholders Assuming responsibilities in defining targets and action paths Development of strategic planning documents based on prospective surveys – ensures the early forecast of vocational training needs. Forecast Prospective surveys Collective action Strategic decisions Assuming of responsibilities Participative planning Quality assured EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Operational scheme of strategic planning model of vocational training provision through VET REAP: forecast of medium-term vocational training provision (regional level ) Ministry of Education, Research and Youth Development of vocational education and training policies Regional Consortium Develops /Updates REAP and monitors REAP and LEAP School Inspectorate LEAP Approval Local Committee for Development of Social Partnership Develops /Updates LEAP and monitors LEAP and SAP VET School SAP Approval SAP: institutional building and improvement of the vocational training provision (local level) LEAP: forecast of medium-term vocational training provision (regional level) Regional Development Council REAP Approval Managing Board Develops/Updates and monitors SAP Social Dialogue Commission Endorses policy documents and strategies and normative documents
SAP - instrument for the institutional development of VET schools VET schools use SAP as an instrument for institutional development having, among others, the following functions: Instrument to support increasing the relevance of the training provision in relation to the aspirations of the young people and social and economic development needs Instrument to support the improvement of the quality of vocational training provision of students EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
SAP - instrument for increasing the relevance of the training provision Conducts an analysis of the needs in the regional and local context – by areas of activity, areas of interest, area of recruiting and specificity of target groups, correlated with the school position within the VET network and areas of training Conducts a detailed analysis of the school capacity to respond to the identified needs and to adjust to changes Establishes priorities, targets and measures derived from the correlated analysis of external and internal environment Contributes in a specific way to the achievement of the targets and measures in the regional and local action plans in VET (REAP and LEAP) EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
SAP - instrument for VET quality improvement - - Starts from the conclusions of the external environment analyses (the needs for social-economic development and expectations of the beneficiaries – employers, parents, students, local community) - - Conducts the analysis of internal environment (self- assessment) from the perspective of the institutional building to respond to the identified needs - - Establishes medium-term goals and annual operational plans for their achievement EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Stages of strategic planning at school action area level Documentation and development of strategic document (planning); – REAP, LEAP – workforce demand forecast, early forecast of vocational training needs through VET, analysis of demographical, economic, labour market context, analysis of VET system capacity, directions for action. - analysis of local demographical, economic, labour market context (school action area), early forecast of vocational training needs, analysis of school capacity, directions for action. implementation; monitoring (evaluation) – self-evaluation, external monitoring (evaluation) - CLDPS; update (revision). EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
SAP - instrument for VET quality improvement - - Integrates the results of self-evaluation and the measure plan for quality improvement - - Monitors and evaluates the progress against the planned goals and measures - - Involves consultation processes of main beneficiaries - - Promotes collaboration of schools within the network for quality assurance by exchange of good practice and reference to a common set of indicators (benchmarking) EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Methodological aspects of REAP, LEAP and SAP monitoring Objectives To evaluate the implementation stage of the priorities, measures and actions within the education action plans and to identify success and problems within the implementation process; To promote consultation with the groups involved in the planning process and to propose measures for plan improvement To support the informed decision-making process to update plans and to correct their implementation EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Participative management structures involved in the REAP, LEAP and SAP monitoring The external monitoring of REAP in a region is carried out by the Regional Consortium of another region. The external monitoring of LEAP of a county is carried out by the members of the Regional Consortium, representatives of the institutions in a county, other than the one for which the monitoring is carried out. The external monitoring of SAPs in a county is carried out by the CLDPS members Each monitoring team of SAP is made up of minimum 2 members of CLDPS. It is recommended that each monitoring team should include representatives of the employers and/or trade unions. The CLDPS president and secretary play an important role in the coordination of the monitoring process. EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Elements of REAP, LEAP, SAP monitoring process Selection of indicators for each plan Method of data collection about indicators Data analysis Presentation of information in an appropriate format Use of information in formulating recommendations for the achievement of the planned progress and planning improvement EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/
Stage /phaseInstrumentResultActors involved 1. Collection of basic dataUpdates scalesData concerning goal achievement indicators President and secretary of CLDPS. CLDPS managers, representatives of institutions holding relevant data (ISJ, AJOFM, etc.) Monitoring team – CLDPS members 2. Development of the first version of the monitoring report Monitoring sheet Monitoring report Evaluation of the degree of achievement of goals and actions planned in the SAP based on the collected data. Correlation of SAP with REAP and LEAP. Monitoring team 3. Monitoring visits to schools - Presentation of the first version of the report - Collection of additional data - Consultation Monitoring sheet Questionnaires Additional information and information concerning the degree of achievement of goals and actions planned in SAP. Monitoring team Teachers’ Council Managing Board Economic partners Parents Students 4. Development of the final monitoring report based on additional data collected during the monitoring visits Final monitoring report Evaluation of the degree of achievement of goals and actions planned in the SAP. Outline of success and failures. Recommendations. Monitoring team Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/ EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU