Neoplasms of the Vascular System
Hemangioma Increased number of vessels- hamartoma Capillary-small channels Cavernous-large channels Pyogenic granuloma-proliferating vessels in inflammation Pregnancy tumor
Giant hemangioma- may sequester platelets
Lymphangioma Simple-capillary type Cavernous-Cystic Hygroma
Glomus Tumor Benign, painful tumor of glomus body A thermoregulator A-V anastomsis
Vascular Ectasia Nervus flammeus-Sturge-Weber syndrome Spider Telangiectasia (Osler-Weber- Rendu Disease)
Port wine stain- nevus flammeus Sturge-Weber syndrome
Bacillary Angiomatosis Opportunistic infection of immunocompromised individuals(AIDS) Bartonella henselae (cat scratch) Nodules of proliferating capillaries -with nuclear atypia and mitoses & neutrophils Cat is the reservoir and the cat flea is the vector B. quintana causes trench fever-louse is vector
Kaposi’s Sarcoma Classic-old men, lesion on lower extremity Lymphadenopathic-(African) young Transplanted associated-skin and internal lesions AIDS associated Viral associated-herpes type 8
Kaposi Sarcoma (AIDS associated)
Kaposi sarcoma
Hemangioendothelioma Intermediate between benign and malignant
Angiosarcoma Malignant neoplasm of vessels Older adults-skin, soft tissue, breast, and liver Angiosarcoma of liver-rare but important because Thorotrast-a radioactive contrast medium Polyvinyl chloride exposure among workers Of arm - Induced by radiation & surgery for Breast cancer
Angiosarcoma of liver Enviromental factors: -thorotrast a contrast agent -Polyvinyl chloride
Hemangiopericytoma Rare Most on lower extremity
Neoplasms of the Heart Primary Rare Myxoma - benign, most common in atrium, mimic mitral stenosis Rhabdomyoma- in infants & children Sarcoma Secondary Malignant melanoma Lung carcinoma Breast carcinoma Lymphoma-Leukemia
Atrial myxoma- acts like mitral stenosis
Atrial myxoma