Collecting Evidence
Collecting…….FIRST OF ALLL Photograph before any collecting is done Wear gloves, mask,& Tyvec suit so as not to contaminate the evidence Use disposable forceps if needed
Categories of evidence
Trace evidence: tiny samples that can be transferred between people and objects (fibers, paint residue, glass fragments,hair) To collect trace evidence, a CST might use tweezers, plastic containers with lids, a filtered vacuum device, a knife and a biohazard kit
Hair and fibers A CST may use combs, tweezers, containers, tape, and a filtered vacuum device to collect any hair or fibers at the scene.
Packaging Fibers: Dry trace evidence in druggist's folds, envelopes, and canisters Documents: In plastic covers. Liquids: Unbreakable, airtight, sealed and accelerants. Wet Biologicals: Non-air tight containers, to prevent mold, mildew, and decay. DNA: Collect with swab,allow to dry, place in special DNA evidence box, take control swab.
Evidence Collection Kits Put these on your list of presents for Mrs. Costello its/kits.html its/kits.html
Evidence Labeled with…. Name and initials of person who found evidence Case number Name and description Witnesses if any Date, time, and location COC…..Chain Of Costody
Chain of Custody Every person who comes in contact with the evidence must sign and date and mark the time on evidence bag, then reseal the bag This eliminates the possibility of tampering with evidence It is the most important factor in a court of law It is one of the reasons OJ was a free man
This is how we should look in lab….