9/15/031 Fort Collins, Colorado “ Pay as You Throw” Trash Rates
9/15/032 Merging Public Policy and Private Trash Collection §Fort Collins does not operate a municipal trash utility l City requires private haulers to have license (currently 11 companies) §Strong public interest in recycling government involvement has increased over the past 15 years. Council adopted goals in 1994 to: l reduce waste stream by 20% by the year 2000, despite growth l reduce waste that gets landfilled by 20% l increase participation in curbside recycling by 80-90%. §In 1995, two new ordinances were adopted: l recycling must be provided at no extra cost l variable rates must be charged for trash service
9/15/033 Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec License Requirement: Volume-Based Rates §Haulers must charge residential customers on the basis of the volume capacity of containers placed for collection. §The charge for additional containers of the same volume capacity shall not be less than the charge for the first such container. §The amount to be charged shall be determined by each hauler, based on a volume capacity of ~33 gallons §Charges need not be based upon the volume of solid waste actually deposited within containers by customers. §Haulers shall provide disposable bags or labels to be attached to nondisposable containers showing the volume capacity, or establish another system for accomplishing the same purpose which is acceptable to the city.
9/15/034 License Requirements, cont. §Haulers must also: l provide recycling at no additional charge to residential customers (cost is “bundled in with trash rates) and collect materials designated by the city. l submit annual Recycling Plan that describes collection and rates l submit biannual reports of waste and recycling volumes l maintain records of service, charges, accounts, invoices, and route sheets necessary to verify the accuracy and completeness of records, for a period of three (3) years. l upon request, make records available for review for the purpose of enforcing Code requirements.
9/15/035 License Requirements, cont. §Haulers may establish a flat monthly fee to cover the fixed operational costs of doing business. Flat fees may not exceed 50% of the aggregated customer cost (the combination of the flat monthly fee plus the monthly volume rate charged). l Flat fee <.50 x C; Where: C = aggregated customer cost (flat fee x volume rate charged per container) l If a solid waste collector elects to establish a flat monthly fee, all bills for services shall clearly show both the flat monthly fee and the volume-based rate.
How well is PAYT working in Fort Collins? It appears to be successful at providing real economic incentive for residents to recycle
9/15/037 Participation in Curbside Recycling is High
9/15/038 Trash Volumes are Relatively Stable
9/15/039 Recycling Volumes are Steady
9/15/0310 New Goals Adopted 1999: achieve 35% waste diversion by 2004, 50% by 2010 §Strategies included fining-tune PAYT ordinance amended in 1999 to improve auditing capability upcoming amendments will clarify PAYT in HOA’s consider applying PAYT to commercial, multi-family l other assignments enhance multi-family recycling opportunities develop yard-waste/composting program work with Larimer County to expand list of materials that can be recycled in the community