Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20151 If you modify this powerpoint, update the version information below. This slide is hidden from slideshow Version – Justyn Poulos
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20152 E. Expectations & Rules Developed
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20153 Critical Element/Trainer Presentations PBIS Implementation GoalWorkbook Examples and Tools E.Expectatio ns and Rules Developed positively stated school-wide expectations posted around school a.3-5 positively stated school-wide expectations posted around the school. Areas posted include the classroom and a minimum of 3 other school settings (i.e. cafeteria, hallway, front office, etc.) Module E Snapshot Behavior Matrix Module E - Self- Assessment and Action Plan Behavior Matrix - Gompers EL Matrix - Ferber EL Matrix - Mendota EL Matrix - Okeeffe - MS Matrix - Hamilton MS Student Copy Matrix - South MS Matrix - Stricker MS Matrix - Hamilton HS Matrix - LaFollette HS 18.Expectations apply to both students and staff a.PBIS team has communicated that expectations apply to all students and all staff 19.Rules are developed and posted for specific settings (settings where data suggest rules are needed) a.Rules are posted in all of the most problematic areas in the school. Staff Handbook 20.Rules are linked to expectations a.When taught or enforced, staff consistently link the rules with the school- wide expectations 21.Staff are involved in development of expectations and rules a.Most staff members were involved in providing feedback/input into the development of school-wide expectations and rules (i.e., survey, feedback, initial brainstorming session, election process, etc.)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20154 School-wide Expectations Definition: A list of specific, positively stated behaviors that are desired of all faculty and students These expectations should be in line with the school’s mission statement and should be taught to all faculty, students, and families
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20155 School Rules NO Food NO Weapons NO Backpacks NO Drugs/Smoking NO Bullying Redesign Learning & Teaching Environment
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20156 Rules for Unique Settings Definition: Specific skills you want students to exhibit and the procedures you want students to follow in specific settings What does it look like? Sound like? (stated positively)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20157 What Is Gained by Identifying Rules? Uniform instruction across multiple programs and settings within the school Communication among staff members and students Communication with parents Curriculum design Legal, ethical, and professional accountability
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20158 How Are Expectations and Rules Similar? Both should be limited in number (3-5) Both should be positively stated Both should be aligned with the school’s mission statement & policies Both should clarify criteria for successful performance
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/20159 How Are Expectations and Rules Different? Expectations are broadly stated Expectations apply to all people in all settings Expectations describe the general ways that people will behave
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/ Differences continued.... Rules describe specific behaviors - Observable - Measurable Rules may apply to a limited number of settings Rules clarify behaviors for specific settings
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/ When Identifying Expectations Consider existing data summaries - Discipline - Academic Identify common goals - Mission Statement - Other School-based Programs
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/ Guidelines for Identifying Expectations Identify behaviors expected of all students and staff in all settings Select 3 to 5 behaviors State expectations in positive terms Select expectations that are general enough to be applicable in multiple settings, but specific enough to be of assistance in generating rules for targeted settings
P reparation R espect I ntegrity D etermination E xcellence
SETTING All SettingsHallwaysPlaygroundsCafeteria Library/ Computer Lab AssemblyBus Respect Ourselves Be on task. Give your best effort. Be prepared. Walk.Have a plan. Eat all your food. Select healthy foods. Study, read, compute. Sit in one spot. Watch for your stop. Respect Others Be kind. Hands/feet to self. Help/share with others. Use normal voice volume. Walk to right. Play safe. Include others. Share equipment. Practice good table manners Whisper. Return books. Listen/watch. Use appropriate applause. Use a quiet voice. Stay in your seat. Respect Property Recycle. Clean up after self. Pick up litter. Maintain physical space. Use equipment properly. Put litter in garbage can. Replace trays & utensils. Clean up eating area. Push in chairs. Treat books carefully. Pick up. Treat chairs appropriately. Wipe your feet. Sit appropriately. TEACHING MATRIX Expectations
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/ SW Teaching Matrix ExpectationsAll Settings HallwayBusRestroomCafeteria
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/ Activity E Develop your 3-5 SW expectations Use Teaching Matrix to identify rules in all areas of your school Design ways to communicate and get input on matrix from staff Develop ways to teach matrix to all staff, students and parents
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12/5/ Complete Module E: Expectations and Rules Developed Self Assessment and Action Plan Activity