Greg Lowe our Local hero Franklin District Council
Biography Greg Lowe is a park officer around Franklin. He’s been working for 20 years so far. He plans parks for children to play on, Plants trees, provides cemeteries and looks after beaches. He was born in 1954.
How Greg’s job affects the community Provides places for people to play sport and enjoy parks horticulture.
Skills and Qualities You need a good background and enjoy working with people young and old.
The best thing about Greg’s Job is... Working with lots of people in Franklin and with great workmates. He likes everything about his job.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE A HERO? “No but a contributor with the park team’’.
Spare time This is what Greg likes to do in his spare time Have fun, diving, surfing and biking.
Playgrounds Greg has helped build 36 playgrounds in Franklin.
Greg’s jobs. Maintaining, developing, Franklin parks and reserves E. g. grass mowing, tree planting and designing parks.