Allison Roba, Internship Program Coordinator Marian Dorna, Career Counselor
Career Services Located in Busch Student Center, Suite 331 Works with all SLU students and alumni and is a one-stop shop for all career-related services Serves Business School Freshman, Sophomore, Seniors and Alumni For Business students, the services include deciding your major and launching full-time job search Sponsors the Career Fair each semester and On-campus recruiting Career Resources Center (CRC) Located in DS 150 Helps all upper-level Business students with their internship search regardless of credit Services include resume critiques, cover letter review, mock interview and resources for finding internships Coordinates the for-credit internship program for upper- level Business and MACC students. The CRC also provides career services for MBA program
1. Undergraduate students need to have 60 hours and have completed ACCT Graduate students need to complete 120 hours or be enrolled in Master of Accounting Program. 3. Site visit may be required. 4. Student receives Internship Agreement Form and completes top portion of the form. Site Supervisor, Faculty Sponsor, Department Chair completes the rest of the form. 5. Agreement Form returned to CRC, DS 150 or 6. Student will be registered for internship by Internship Coordinator.
Ernst and Young Office Hours Thursday, September 9, :00 am – 3:00 pm On-Campus Recruiting - Deadlines start on 9/9/10 Accounting Pre-Interview and Networking Fair Wednesday, September 15, :00 – 6:00 pm Busch Student Center University Career Fair Wednesday, September 29, :00 – 5:00 pm Busch Student Center Business Internship and Information Fair Wednesday October 27, :00 – 5:00 pm John Cook School of Business Atrium
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