Complete Sentences Notes, Practice and Minor Summative
1. A complete sentence must have two parts. The two parts of a complete sentence are SUBJECT PREDICATE The fish swims in the ocean.
2. The predicate contains the 3. The subject tells VERB. WHO or WHAT is doing the action of the verb The COMPLETE PREDICATE is the entire part of the sentence that contains the verb. The COMPLETE SUBJECT is the entire part of the sentence that tells WHO or WHAT is doing the action of the verb.
4. Look at the sentence on your paper, Circle the verb Underline the subject. Highlight the COMPLETE PREDICATE in orange. Highlight the COMPLETE SUBJECT in blue.
The COMPLETE SUBJECT and COMPLETE PREDICATE will include all the words in the sentence. 5. The SIMPLE PREDICATE is the verb by itself. 6. The SIMPLE SUBJECT is WHO or WHAT is doing the action of the verb.
In this sentence, find the SIMPLE SUBJECT and SIMPLE PREDICATE (remember start by circling the verb then underline the subject) 7. The basketball team ran down the court to score a goal. SIMPLE PREDICATE (Verb) - ran SIMPLE SUBJECT – Who ran? team
In this sentence, find the SIMPLE SUBJECT and SIMPLE PREDICATE (remember start by circling the verb the underline the subject) 8. The young, friendly puppy jumped on our friends. SIMPLE PREDICATE (Verb) - jumped SIMPLE SUBJECT – Who jumped? puppy
In this sentence, find the SIMPLE SUBJECT and SIMPLE PREDICATE (remember start by circling the verb then underline the subject) 9. The tall athlete soars over the pole-vault bar. SIMPLE PREDICATE (Verb) - soars SIMPLE SUBJECT – Who soars? athlete
In this sentence, find the SIMPLE SUBJECT and SIMPLE PREDICATE (remember start by circling the verb then underline the subject) 10. The new student is happy to finally get a locker. SIMPLE PREDICATE (Verb) - is SIMPLE SUBJECT – Who is? student
A group of words is called a clause. If a group of words has one SUBJECT and one PREDICATE, it can be called: 3. A Complete Sentence 1. An Independent Clause 2. A Simple Sentence SENTENCE Vocabulary Terms
For sentences on your paper, circle the SIMPLE VERB and underline the SIMPLE SUBJECT.