藍光雷射實驗室 Blue Laser Laboratory 郭艷光 Yen-Kuang Kuo 彰化師大物理系暨光電科技研究所教授兼彰化師大理學院院長 電子郵件 : 網頁 :
Simulation and characteristics analysis of optical semiconductor devices (I) Simulation programs (Crosslight Software Inc., Canada) LASTIP (LASer Technology Integrated Program) Laser diodes (LDs) PICS3D (Photonic Integrated Circuit Simulator in Three Dimensions) Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) APSYS (Advanced Physical Model of Semiconductor Devices) Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) Solar cells Photodetectors High electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 2 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
Simulation and characteristics analysis of optical semiconductor devices (II) Simulation programs (STR Group, Ltd., Russia) SimuLED SiLENSe - 1D simulator of carrier injection and light generation in wurtzite III-N and II-O LED/LD heterostructures SpecCLED - 3D simulator of current spreading and heat transfer in LED devices RATRO - 3D ray-tracing analyzer of light propagation and extraction in LED devices SimuLAMP Software for optical and thermal management for LED lamps 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 3 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
2010/08/26 Optical semiconductor devices Simulation of Laser Diodes Simulation of VCSELs Simulation of LEDs Simulation of OLEDs Simulation of Solar Cells 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 44
Recent research interests The optical characteristics of LDs, VCSELs, LEDs, OLEDs, and solar cells can be numerically investigated with the LASTIP, PICS3D, and APSYS simulation programs. Our recent research interests include polarization state and polarization-matched materials for GaN-based LDs and LEDs, efficiency droop behavior of blue InGaN LEDs, optical characteristics of GaAl(In)N UV LEDs, top-emission OLEDs, etc. 三五族與氮化物光電半導體元件之實驗及模擬分析 (1/3) (NSC M MY3) 高效率藍光與近紫外光 InGaN LED 之模擬與設計 ( 晶元光電股份有限公司合作計畫 ) 氮化鋁鎵深紫外光發光二極體元件之模擬分析與設計 (99 年大專學生參與國科會專題研究計畫, NSC C M) 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 5 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
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2010/08/26 7 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 The effective potential height for holes in the valence band of the InGaN/AlGaN structure is lower than that of the InGaN/GaN one (i.e., eV vs eV) owing to the slighter polarization effect in the last-barrier/EBL interface. The effective potential height for the electrons in the conduction band of the InGaN/AlGaN structure becomes higher than the other structure (i.e., eV vs eV), which denotes the enhancement of electron confinement.
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2010/08/26 13 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 The light performance of the blue InGaN LEDs emitting in a spectral range from 435 to 445 nm can be enhanced effectively when the conventional GaN barrier layers are replaced by the low-indium-content In 0.02 Ga 0.98 N and In 0.05 Ga 0.95 N barrier layers. The light performance of the 445-nm LEDs with the In 0.05 Ga 0.95 N barrier layers is improved due to the increased overlap of electrons and holes inside the QW close to the p-side layers, which is the major source for radiative recombination.
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2010/08/26 15 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 The strong electric field caused by the piezoelectric polarization charges at the interface between the P-AlGaN and barrier layer lowers the conduction band energy in the last barrier. Our calculation shows that the percentages of electron leakage current for the LEDs with P-AlGaN and N-AlGaN are 46.1% and 4.5%, respectively, at 120 mA. Besides the relatively uniform distribution of holes in the QWs, the sufficiently reduced electron leakage current is also a major cause for the improvement in efficiency droop.
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2010/08/26 17 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 1×10 ‒ 34 cm 6 /s 1×10 ‒ 31 cm 6 /s 1×10 ‒ 29 cm 6 /s
Recent publication (I) Chih-Teng Liao, Miao-Chan Tsai, Bo-Ting Liou, Sheng-Horng Yen, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Improvement in output power of a 460-nm InGaN light- emitting diode using staggered quantum well”, Journal of Applied Physics, Accepted 8 July (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 2.201, Ranked 20/95 in Physics, Applied Physics] Yen-Kuang Kuo, Syuan-Huei Horng, Miao-Chan Tsai, Sheng-Horng Yen, and Shu-Hsuan Chang, “Effect of normal and reversed polarizations on optical characteristics of ultraviolet-violet InGaN laser diodes”, Optics Communications, Vol. 283, Issue 19, pp. 3698–3702, 1 October (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 1.552, Ranked 23/64 in Optics] Jih-Yuan Chang, Miao-Chan Tsai, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Advantages of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes with AlGaN barriers”, Optics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 1368–1370, 1 May (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 3.772, Ranked 4/64 in Optics] Yen-Kuang Kuo, Miao-Chan Tsai, Sheng-Horng Yen, Ta-Cheng Hsu, and Yu-Jiun Shen, “Effect of p-type last barrier on efficiency droop of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 1214–1220, August (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 2.413, Ranked 37/229 in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic] 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 18 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
Recent publication (II) Miao-Chan Tsai, Sheng-Horng Yen, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Carrier transportation and internal quantum efficiency of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes with p-doped barriers”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 374–376, 15 March (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 2.173, Ranked 12/64 in Optics] Jun-Rong Chen, Yung-Chi Wu, Shih-Chun Ling, Tsung-Shine Ko, Tien-Chang Lu, Hao-Chung Kuo, Yen-Kuang Kuo, and Shing-Chung Wang, “Investigation of wavelength-dependent efficiency droop in InGaN light-emitting diodes”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Vol. 98, No. 4, pp. 779–789, March (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 2.167, Ranked 13/64 in Optics] Yen-Kuang Kuo, Syuan-Huei Horng, Sheng-Horng Yen, Miao-Chan Tsai, and Man-Fang Huang, Published online 26 November 2009, “Effect of polarization state on optical properties of blue-violet InGaN light-emitting diodes”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol. 98, No. 3, pp. 509–515, 4 January (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 1.884, Ranked 30/95 in Physics, Applied Physics] Yen-Kuang Kuo, Jih-Yuan Chang, and Mei-Ling Chen, “Role of electron blocking layer in III-nitride laser diodes and light-emitting diodes”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7597, pp – , Published online 25 February (EI) 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 19 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
Recent publication (III) Shu-Hsuan Chang, Miao-Chan Tsai, Sheng-Horng Yen, Shu-Jeng Chang, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Numerical simulation on high-efficiency GaInP/GaAs/InGaAs triple-junction solar cells”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7597, pp – , Published online 25 February (EI) 陳俊榮、張誌原、郭艷光、盧廷昌、郭浩中、王興宗, “ 高亮度氮化鎵發光二 極體:高驅動電流下的屏障 ”, 電子月刊, 第 16 卷, 第 6 期, 第 118 至 129 頁, 2010 年 6 月. Yen-Kuang Kuo, Jih-Yuan Chang, Miao-Chan Tsai, and Sheng-Horng Yen, “Advantages of blue InGaN multiple-quantum well light-emitting diodes with InGaN barriers”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 1, pp , Published online 10 July (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 3.726, Ranked 10/95 in Physics, Applied Physics] Yen-Kuang Kuo, Miao-Chan Tsai, Sheng-Horng Yen, Ta-Cheng Hsu, and Yu- Jiun Shen, “Enhancement of light power for blue InGaN light-emitting diodes by using low-indium-content InGaN barriers”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp , 5 August (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 2.518, Ranked 9/64 in Optics] 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 20 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
Recent publication (IV) Yen-Kuang Kuo, Miao-Chan Tsai, and Sheng-Horng Yen, “Numerical simulation of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes with polarization-matched AlGaInN electron-blocking layer and barrier layer”, Optics Communications, Vol. 282, Issue 21, pp , 1 November (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 1.552, Ranked 23/64 in Optics] Sheng-Horng Yen, Miao-Chan Tsai, Meng-Lun Tsai, Yu-Jiun Shen, Ta-Cheng Hsu, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Effect of n-type AlGaN layer on carrier transportation and efficiency droop of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 14, pp , 15 July (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 2.173, Ranked 12/64 in Optics] Sheng-Horng Yen, Miao-Chan Tsai, Meng-Lun Tsai, Yu-Jiun Shen, Ta-Cheng Hsu, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, Published online 26 June 2009, “Theoretical investigation of Auger recombination on internal quantum efficiency of blue light-emitting diodes”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol. 97, Issue 3, pp , 4 November (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 1.884, Ranked 30/95 in Physics, Applied Physics] Miao-Chan Tsai, Sheng-Horng Yen, Shu-Hsuan Chang, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Effect of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization on optical characteristics of ultraviolet AlGaInN light-emitting diodes”, Optics Communications, Vol. 282, Issue 8, pp , 15 April (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 1.552, Ranked 23/64 in Optics] 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 21 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
Recent publication (V) Jun-Rong Chen, Yung-Chi Wu, Tien-Chang Lu, Hao-Chung Kuo, Yen-Kuang Kuo, and Shing-Chung Wang, “Numerical study on lateral mode behavior of 660-nm InGaP/AlGaInP multiple-quantum-well laser diodes”, Optical Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 375–382, Published online 9 June (SCI) [2008 Impact Factor = 0.545, Ranked 51/64 in Optics] Yen-Kuang Kuo, Ying-Chung Lu, Miao-Chan Tsai, and Sheng-Horng Yen, “Numerical simulation of 405-nm InGaN laser diodes with polarization- matched AlGaInN electron-blocking layer and barrier layer”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7211, 72111B-1 – 72111B-8, January (EI) Bo-Ting Liou, Miao-Chan Tsai, Chih-Teng Liao, Sheng-Horng Yen, and Yen- Kuang Kuo, “Numerical investigation of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes with staggered quantum wells”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7211, pp D-1 – 72111D-8, January (EI) Shu-Hsuan Chang, Chien-Yang Wen, Yi-Hsiang Huang, and Yen-Kuang Kuo, “Numerical simulation on white OLEDs with dotted-line doped emitting layers”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7213, 72131J-1 – 72131J-8, January (EI) 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士 /08/26 22 國立彰化師範大學 物理學系 郭艷光博士
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