Rhiannon W. Wyatt Lone Oak Elementary 3 rd Grade
Spartanburg (city and county) Piedmont (region) South Carolina (state) United States of America (country) North America (continent) Western(hemisphere) Earth (planet)
South Carolina is divided into THREE MAJOR REGIONS! The UpCountry The Midlands The LowCountry
The UpCountry of South Carolina includes the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Regions.
Spartanburg waterfall Death Valley Wofford College mountains
The Midlands includes the Sandhills region of South Carolina.
Williams- Brice Stadium Columbia, SC Governor’s Mansion
The Low Country includes the Inner Coastal Plain, Outer Coastal Plain, and the Coastal Zone.
beaches waterways swamps plantations Rainbow Row
So Which Region Do We Live In? The Piedmont
South Carolina State Standards Social Studies 3.10 The learner will demonstrate an understanding of places and regions. UpCountry LowCountry Midlands
South Carolina Regions Bibliography Social Studies Textbook Harcourt Brace Communities American Memory Website wwww wwww wwww.... llll oooo cccc.... gggg oooo vvvv Other websites * hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... mmmm yyyy ssss cccc gggg oooo vvvv.... cccc oooo mmmm //// SSSS CCCC SSSS GGGG PPPP oooo rrrr tttt aaaa llll //// ssss tttt aaaa tttt iiii cccc //// gggg oooo vvvv eeee rrrr nnnn mmmm eeee nnnn tttt ____ tttt eeee mmmm hhhh tttt mmmm llll* hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// uuuu ssss cccc ssss pppp oooo rrrr tttt ssss.... oooo cccc ssss nnnn.... cccc oooo mmmm //// ffff aaaa cccc iiii llll iiii tttt iiii eeee ssss //// ssss cccc aaaa rrrr ---- ffff aaaa cccc iiii llll iiii tttt iiii eeee ssss.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll* hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... cccc oooo llll uuuu mmmm bbbb iiii hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... ffff ssss.... ffff eeee dddd.... uuuu ssss //// rrrr 8888 //// ffff mmmm ssss //// aaaa ssss cccc.... nnnn eeee tttt ////* hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... ssss cccc iiii wwww aaaa yyyy.... nnnn eeee tttt //// tttt oooo uuuu rrrr iiii ssss mmmm //// ffff oooo rrrr eeee ssss tttt ssss.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll
“ Smiling Faces and Beautiful Places”