Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Focus Topic Highlight Business Intelligence Tuesday 2.15pm – 5.45pm Risso 6C Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B
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Today we will show you… Unified concepts of lean, MRP, discrete, and process manufacturing Mixed-mode manufacturing How Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 enables agility in a supply chain How Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 enables visibility across a supply chain Intercompany
Components in Action Today
Pains and Challenges Charlie – President Needs supply chain agility to be able respond to changing marketplace conditions and macroeconomic cycles Vince – Operations Manager Needs to continually improve operations efficiency – e.g., wants to gradually introduce lean manufacturing Needs operations agility – e.g., wants ability to easily change the supply policy for a product from build to buy Eduardo – Production Planner Needs master planning to work holistically in a multi-mode manufacturing environment – e.g., plan material and resource requirements for both discrete and process manufacturing Needs full visibility into supply and demand across the supply chain
Unifying Manufacturing Concepts Production Strategy Production Control Production Process Product Structure Make to stock Make to order Assemble to order Configure to order Convergent Divergent Variant/Configurable Push Pull Discrete Process Product Supply Policy Pull /Push
Product Demos #TitleKey Features 1. Supply policy and supply visibility Default order type Supply schedule 2.BOMs and resources Reuse BOMs and resources across supply policies Dynamic material and resource assignment 3.Intercompany planning and supply visibility Intercompany supply policies Intercompany planning Intercompany multilevel pegging
Product Structure Item A Item B Item C Item D
Product Structure with Supply Policies Defining Multi-Mode Kanban Production Purchase Intercompany Batch / process Item A Item B Item C Item D
Customer Comp1 Comp2 Comp3 Supply Chain Using Multi-Mode Item A Item B Item C Item D Kanban Production Purchase Intercompany Batch / process Item A
Demo 1: Supply Policy and Supply Visibility Supply policy Supply schedule Kanban rules PersonaPain Points and Challenges Features Covered Results and Benefits EduardoChanging the supply policy for a product – e.g., from build using production orders to build using lean Default order type Easy to set and modify how products are supplied More agile supply chain EduardoVisibility to supply and demand for a product across all supply policies Supply schedule Central navigation and overview for planner
Concepts and Definitions Supply policies – Define how a product is supplied in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – We can supply products by production (discrete/process), purchase, kanban, and transfers Planned kanban order – A new planned order type introduced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Carrier for derived demand through the LEAN process – Demand for a product with a scheduled kanban rule will generate a planned order of type Planned kanban
Demo 2: BOMs and Resources Reuse of bill of materials and resources across supply policies Dynamic allocation of material and production resources based on production location and resource capability PersonaPain Points and Challenges Features CoveredResults and Benefits EmilHas little knowledge of where or how the product is produced. Difficult to maintain specific warehouse and resource information Bill of materials Resource model Dynamic material and resource assignment and consumption Material location and specific production resource decoupled from supply policy Enables supply chain agility
Concepts and Definitions Resource consumption – Setting on the bill of materials, indicating that the ”where” of the BOM line is dependent on where the product is produced, at what resource – Will work across multiple supply policies – If supply is a production order, the warehouse will be determined when the resource is scheduled – If kanban, the warehouse would be found from the work cell definition
Demo 3: Intercompany Planning and Supply Visibility Intercompany supply policies Intercompany master planning Intercompany supply visibility PersonaPain Points and Challenges Features CoveredResults and Benefits EduardoSupply and demand visibility across companies Multilevel peggingVery easy to get supply and demand overview EduardoMaster planning across companiesIntercompany planning Products can be supplied based on individual company needs
What We Showed Today… How Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 unifies disparate supply policies into an integrated supply chain How Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 flexibility enables agility in the supply chain How Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 provides visibility into supply and demand across a supply chain
With This Release You Now Can… Have a fully integrated supply chain that uses multiple supply policies Minimize the complexity of your data setup by reusing BOMs and resources across multiple supply policies Gain visibility into supply and demand across a supply chain that uses multiple supply policies Evolve your supply chain by gradually introducing new supply policies – e.g., introduce lean manufacturing
What Did We Do in This Release? Integrated support for discrete, process, and lean manufacturing using push or pull – Support multi-/mixed-mode manufacturing – Provide enhanced MES capabilities Created a capabilities-based model for resource definition and scheduling that is unified across discrete, process, and lean Enhanced planning and visibility across an intracompany and intercompany supply chain Enhanced reuse of BOMs and routes Created a constraint-based product configuration tool
Top 10 Tips from the Session One supply chain, independent of supply policy Production strategy, control, process, and structure can be defined independently Resources defined once, used in LEAN, Process, Production, MES Visibility cross whole supply chain / legal entities Intercompany for planned demand and supply Product configurator across legal entities, only release selling item Reuse BOM definition independent of strategy, control, process, and structure
Related Sessions TimeMondayTuesdayWednesday 10:30–11:45 13:00–14:15 14:30–15:45 16:30–17:45 18:00–19:00 19:15–20:15 BRK233 Unifying the previously disparate concepts of Lean, MRP, Discrete, and Process Manufacturing Ulrik Molgaard Honore BRK232 Product Information Management Ievgenii Korovin BRK235 Materials Planning & Resource Scheduling – A New Approach Anders Sorensen ; Soren Vagn Andersen CHK202 Upgrading items to products Ievgenii Korovin BRK250 Introduction to the basics of Lean Manufacturing for Dynamics AX 2012: Kanban framework and replenishment strategies. Conrad Volkmann; Guido Rennock BRK246 Purchase Order Management Henrik Andersen; Kenneth Puggaard CHK221 MRP fundamental changes Anders Sørensen, Roxana Diaconu CHK209 Cost Management Processes in Dynamics AX 2012 Anders Even Girke CHK210 Materials Planning and Resource Scheduling – A New Approach Q&A Anders Sorensen ; Soren Vagn Andersen BRK234 Configuring Products Using the Constraint-Based Approach Dennis Conrad CHK203 Manufacturing Scheduling Engine Diagnostics Anders Sørensen CHK219 Product Configuration – Deep Dive from a Developer Viewpoint Dennis Conrad, Najimi Sebghatullah BRK247 Sales Order Management and Agreements Henrik Andersen; Kenneth Puggaard BRK251 Introduction to advanced scenarios of Lean Manufacturing for Dynamics AX 2012: Production flows and activities Conrad Volkmann; Guido Rennock BRK236 Manufacturing Execution and Time & Attendance Ulrik Molgaard Honore BRK244 Dynamics AX 2012 Process Manufacturing Johan Hoffmann
Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Focus Topic Highlight Business Intelligence Tuesday 2.15pm – 5.45pm Risso 6C Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7 and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.