facebook Pierre Omidyar is auctioning off his premium antique popcorn popping machine maker for $119. WallPhotosFlairAuctionsPierre OmidyarLogout View photos of Pierre (5) Send Pierre a message Poke Pierre Wall InfoPhotosAuctions Write something… Share Information Networks: Honolulu, Hawaii Birthday: June 21, 1967 Political: Democrat Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: Paris, France Friends OprahMarkMortimer RichardWarren John F. Kennedy is preparing to sign the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty October 7, 1963 Winnie Bobby Kennedy to John F. Kennedy Have you finalized your plans for the Texas trip? October 1, 1963 John F. Kennedy I can’t believe I had to actually send the National Guard to Alabama just so some kids could go to college! June 11, 1963 John F. Kennedy is so glad we avoided war with the Russians! That Crisis in Cuba had my blood boiling! October 28, 1962 John F. Kennedy hopes everyone realizes how serious I am about putting a man on the moon!!! September 9, 1962 John F. Kennedy wishes the Bay of Pigs invasion had gone better! I think Castro is going to be a major thorn in the side of the U.S. April 17, 1961
Personal Information facebook WallPhotosFlairAuctionsPierre OmidyarLogout View photos of Pierre (4) Send Pierre a message Poke Pierre Wall InfoPhotosAuctions Basic Information Information Photos Networks: Honolulu, Hawaii Sex: Male Birthday: June 21, 1967 Hometown: Paris, France Relationship Status: Married to Pam Kerr-Omidyar Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Episcopalian Activities: Snorkeling, surfing, fishing, auctioning Interests: Outdoors, Money, Collecting things, Web designs Favorite Music: Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, James Taylor, Dolly Parton Favorite Movies: The Matrix, Spiderman, Scary Movie, The Notebook Favorite TV Shows: Saturday Night Live, MTV Cribs, O’ Reilly Factor, Fear Factor Favorite Books: Computer Programming for Dummies My Company Updated 1 year ago 2 Albums Vacation Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 30 East Bay Street Honolulu, Hawaii Phone Number: (808) Pierre Omidyar is auctioning off his premium antique popcorn popping machine maker for $119. Networks: Honolulu, Hawaii Birthday: June 21, 1967 Political: Democrat Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: Paris, France
facebook WallPhotosFlairAuctionsPierre OmidyarLogout WallInfoPhotosAuctions Photos of Pierre 4 Photos Pierre’s Albums 2 Photo Alums My Company 5 photos Vacation 20 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Pierre Omidyar is auctioning off his premium antique popcorn popping machine maker for $119.