IAS FINANCES IAS Members' Meeting Rome, 19 July 2011 Treasurer: Alan Whiteside Finance Subcommittee: Anton Pozniak, Chris Beyrer IAS Office: Mats Ahnlund, Olivia Mettler
General Situation The 2010 books are closed and audited, clean audits 1.Vienna Conference: balanced but no conference surplus and no contribution to revolving fund 2.IAS Core 2010: deficit of 1M covered by various reserves 3.The revolving conference funds stay on the same level IAC $3M IAS Conference $1,2M
General situation (continued…) IAS Core 2011 Balanced with budget revision, despite the weakening of the USD vs CHF thanks to new commitments and a good EUR/USD rate. Rome conference Good registration figures / good EUR/USD exchange rate allows us to cover increased core costs (due to weak USD). Acceptable deficit forecasted so far ($235K)
2012 Grants and Fellowships