W.I.S.A.T. – John 4:19-26 Last Week’s Message – John 4: 1-26 We learned: 1. Where W.I.S.A.T. – comes from 2. The CONTEXT of the verse 3. What the word “worship” means –Gk., Heb. 4. What to worship in “Spirit and Truth” means 5. What things that we “call” worship that are NOT!
W.I.S.A.T. We pick up with the Text this morning John 4:19-26 Jesus has just exposed her “heart” and her “sin” – she turns the conversation to politics, religion, culture and PLACE of WORSHIP – “buildings” ! As we continue our journey in this text – we will learn 3 important Biblical truths about: PLACES OF WORSHIP
W.I.S.A.T. She wanted to argue places, buildings and traditions – One of the biggest myths today – often expressed… “I don’t need to go to church to worship and I sure don’t need to go to some building!” IT SOUNDS GOOD AT THE SURFACE - But it is not true – Biblically TRUTH #1 You don’t need a Building – But you do need the Body! From Genesis to Revelation GOD CALLS HIS PEOPLE to GATHER TOGETHER TO WORSHIP! (set aside a Day, a Place, a Time to honor Him!) WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT? 1.He PROMISES to meet us there! 2.We hold each other accountable! 3.We witness to the world by our gathering! 4. Consistent collecting together for worship is COMMANDED! 5. If not important – why the first place we leave or come back to?
W.I.S.A.T. TRUTH # 2 There is an OPPOSITE point that is equally true… Our Worship should not be confined SOLEY to a place, a building, a day or a time! 1.A “daily” ATTITUDE of of Life! 2.A constant “God Consciousness” 3. A RELATIONSHIP and communion with Jesus that is central to life, thought and prayer!
W.I.S.A.T. So then, does it REALLY matter where I worship then? Wasn’t Jesus saying that the “place is not really important – just any old place, church, denomination or religious system will do?” TRUTH # 3 The real importance of the PLACE of worship comes back to: SPIRIT and in TRUTH! Make sure that you and your family are in a place of worship where: 1.Jesus is exalted as God in the Flesh and the ONLY way of salvation! 2.The Word of God (Bible) is exalted, taught, preached and held up as the ONLY and INFALLIBLE Word of God. 3.Salvation is proclaimed as being through GOD’S GRACE ALONE! 4.There is an emphasis on OUTREACH, MISSIONS, DISCIPLESHIP and an OPEN DOOR TO ALL! 5. Where they are not off on a TANGENT that takes away from any of the above!
W.I.S.A.T. – One more thing! Look at verse It all boils down to this – Jesus claimed to the woman that he was the MESSIAH…God in the flesh…God with us! Either He is or He isn’t! If He ISN’T – Let’s go home – why waste our time here? If there is no Old Rugged Cross, no Empty Tomb, no Holy Spirit, no 2000 years of the Holy Spirit radically changing lives…Then why bother? But…If He is the Messiah…God with us….THEN… LET’S WORSHIP HIM! IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!