Eight Habits of Highly Effective Christians II Peter 1:3-11 Sunday, January 17, Jim Beasley
God has provided us with everything we need to change
God has provided us with everything we need to change. o “His divine power has given us.” v.3 o We received this power when we become Christians Acts 2:38 o This power is available to us to live victorious lives in God Romans 8:11 o This power will guide us John 16:13 o It is by the power of God that we can live godly lives Philippians 2:12-13, 4:13
God has called us to live victorious lives
o “Life” in this context refers to our spiritual life. o “Godliness” refers to “practical religion” o II Peter 3:18 o Remember your commitment to growth in your relationship with God includes growth in intimacy with God, growth in knowledge of His will, complete obedience to His will, and trust in Him.
God has called us to live victorious lives o We need to have a solid understanding of the grace of God... which is essential to living a victorious life. This grace is demonstrated in: o The power and ability of God which is available to meet our needs. o The desire of our Father to teach us everything we need for life and godliness. o By giving us His word to lead us on this journey of pursuing life and godliness. II Timothy 3:16 o Without grace, we are nothing, we have nothing and we can do nothing. o If you are going to fill your empty rooms, it is an absolute must that you commit to Bible study. That’s where daily we can feast on God’s word. Matthew 5:6
God has given us His promises to support our growth
o “Very great and precious promises” v.4 o They are exceedingly great and precious because... o Through them we become “partakers of the divine nature.” II Corinthians 3:18 o Through them we have “escaped the corruption of the world.” Colossians 1:21-22 o What are God’s great and precious promises? o Jesus said “I will build my church and gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18 o God said “I will be with you” o Joshua 1:5 o Matthew 28:20 o II Timothy 4:16-17 o God promised: “I will strengthen you.” o Isaiah 41:10 o II Thessalonians 3:3 o Philippians 4:13
God has given us His promises to support our growth o What are God’s great and precious promises? o He said “I will come again” o John 14:1-3 o I John 2:25 o I John 5:13 o Promises yet to be received: o The redemption of our body at the resurrection. Romans 8:22-24a o The inheritance that is reserved in heaven. I Peter 1:3-4 o The new heaven and new earth. II Peter 3:13