Teen Driver Vehicle Inspection Lewiston Police Department Ofc. Rob Massey
Getting Started Pick A Date We chose to have the event during the National Teen Driver Safety Week. Don’t pick a Friday because none of the kids will stick around. We had an added bonus that our event was during “Homecoming Week”
Getting Started Pick A Location Try to find a location at the high school or very close. If it’s at the school then you can get the kids before they leave. If they leave, they won’t come back Find a place where you can have lanes and room for a couple of cars to be inspected at the same time. We chose one of the student parking lots
Advertising the Event Send a note to the SRO and place it in the daily bulletin Advertise at surrounding schools Contact newspaper and television stations Meet with radio stations and ask if they would do a PSA for the event. Distribute flyers around the school
Advertising Continued Word of mouth…. – This is as simple as officers stopping by the parking lot at lunch and talking to the kids about the event. – Have the SRO spread the word
Who to Talk To We contacted the local car dealerships (Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Toyota, Honda, etc…) Explain what you are doing and ask if they can spare a mechanic for a couple of hours. We also had reps from Les Schwab and Napa Auto Parts agree to help Auto Shop teacher and get students involved to shadow the professional mechanics Auto Shop teacher and get students involved to shadow the professional mechanics
Free Stuff to Give Out I had the following stuff donated just by me asking: – 1. Several cases of Pepsi/Mt. Dew from Pepsi distributor – 2. About 100 coupons for free tacos from Taco Johns – 3. Huge stack of coupons for free food to Arby’s and Taco Time
Stuff Part #2 Jiffy Lube told me to print off coupons from their web site for oil changes. Napa Auto and Ford dealership brought some merchandise to hand out AAA sent a huge box of hand-outs. – I asked for a speedometer calibration trailer but that didn’t happen.
Equipment Needed Traffic cones Tables/chairs Ice Chests for donated drinks Easy-up canopy Vehicle inspection sheets (Get from Jiffy Lube) Trash Cans
Day of Event Have kids stop their cars in designated area Mechanics will do the inspection – Encourage the kids to follow along so they learn how to check the oil, tire pressure, brake fluid, etc. – Officers should stay away and mingle with the other kids.
Day of Event #2 Officers should be available to answer any questions from kids. Ask the kids about their registration and insurance…most don’t know what they are or where to find them Perfect time to break down barriers between kids and officers Perfect time to break down barriers between kids and officers
After the Event Write thank you letters to all mechanics, businesses who donated stuff, and high school Include how many cars were inspected and roughly how many kids were contacted
Questions? Ofc. Rob Massey Lewiston Police Department (208)