Handing Over the Keys Enabling User-Controlled Metadata Doug Schepers, W3C
Metadata is Locked Away media files are born with metadata media files accumulate metadata access to metadata is context-limited
Flavors of the Data intrinsic width, height, duration extrinsic title, author, tags, timestamps, geodata automatic vs. manual authoritative vs. user-generated
Default Metadata Display play status control timeline playback progress download progress position marker control total length tag hotspot rich comment hotspot lots of other stuff elapsed time total time
Temporal Data tags rich comments
Locative Data
Access and Accessibility authors are often lazy or busy many eyes, many ears, many hands challenge in too much data metametadata
Social Networks Horde Metadata social networks accumulate information from “meta-authors” comments and tags timestamped information everything is lost when it is saved
Dynamic Content is Crippled information about details is important for presentation authors only have access in design tools data is only available at design time
3 Keys provide universal access to metadata deploy uniform metadata format encourage sites to free up data
MAXIM Metadata Access and eXtensible Information for Media specification read, write, and save client-side and server-side
Too Much Confusion Here profusion of formats packaging, embedded, external binary, text, XML each has special niches should be uniform, if not universal RDF (XMP?)
Uniformat need standard on what formats should do should address spectrum of use cases benefit across entire toolchain from videocamera to editing suite to authoring tool to dynamic site to tagger to end-user, and back
Rich Linking browser can link to specific contexts times and ranges named timestamps keyword cueing search engines tags, keywords, authors
Encourage Openness emphasize application, not content control site as typewriter, not as library pickpocket data for justice browsers can give advanced “Save As” end-users can pick and choose
W3C Video on the Web Workshop December 2007, San Jose, California and Brussels, Belgium Doug Schepers W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI Working Groups