Towards a Strategy for Syria's Coast Mediterranean Workshop on ICZM Policy Alghero, Sardinia (Italy), May 2008
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy2 Background Information (National) State area: 185,180 km 2 Population (2008): 20 M. Population (2025): 28.5 M. Coast length: 183 km Seacoast is a Scarce Resource to Syria ! Coast Length per Capita (cm.) SyriaMed avg. 10 times more 15 times more
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy3 Background Information (Coastal) 30km 140km Lattakia Gov. Tartous Gov. 420, ,000 60,000 45,000 Coastal Region: Coastal Strip: Coastal Zone: (ICZM) 2.5% of total country area ≈ 10% of coastal region ’ s area Landward + Seaward strips alongside the Shoreline 10% of population 10% of population 40% of its population 40% of its population
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy4 Coastal Zone ’ s Environmental Problems 1.Physical alteration of the coastline. 2.Degradation of natural and cultural heritage. 3.Pollution with solid wastes and coastal litters. 4.Water pollution. 5.Deterioration of marine ecological resources and biodiversity.
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy5 Root Causes of Coastal Zone ’ s Environmental Degradation Socio-Economic: Population growth Population growth Urbanization Urbanization Unemployment Unemployment Development of maritime economy Development of maritime economy Tourism growth Tourism growth Industrialization Industrialization Agricultural intensification Agricultural intensificationManagerial: Weak spatial planning & cross-sectoral planning Weak spatial planning & cross-sectoral planning Multiplicity of legislative and administrative tools: Multiplicity of legislative and administrative tools: - Environmental - Ecological - Maritime - Water res. & wastewater - Tourism - Local administration - Protected areas
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy6 Current policies and tools.. Why failing? lack of unified management Weak horizontal cooperation Weakness within each authority Weak public participatio n Proliferation of authorities & overlapping competencies Failure of current policies and tools Weakness in planning
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy7 Challenges and Opportunities Crowded interest Increasing threats of; - Pollution - Concretization - Loss of eco-resources - Loss of cultural identity - Environmental degradation - Vulnerability How Syria can maximize benefit from its narrow window to the sea with preserving the coastal environment and natural scene? Relative smallness of the targeted area; Relative smallness of the targeted area; - Bearable financial costs - Achievable non-financial requirements Mediterranean and international cooperation Mediterranean and international cooperation
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy8 How can ICZM be achieved in Syria? Policy recommendations Coastal Law Vision Protection & Conservation Clean Sweep 2025 Supervision Regional & Int ’ l coop. Institutional Development Coast Day EMS ICZM Supreme Body Planning Strategies Action Plans Policies Governance Actions National Coastal Conference Steering Council Participation
May 08Syria Coast: towards a strategy9 Thank you for your kind attention Housney Al-Azmeh SMAP III National Consultant Tel Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic.