Arbitrage By Erik Hatch
Arbitrage any bond issued to be used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding investments, or to replace funds which were used directly or indirectly to acquire higher yielding investments higher yielding investments means any investment which produces a yield that is materially higher than the bond
Amount Legally Allowable Allowed if used for a reserve or repayment fund Limited to 10% of the proceeds of the bond issue Allowed if amount invested is the lesser of 5% of the bond proceeds, or $100,000 Allowed if short term 3 months if used for loan repayments 6 months if used to finance loans 2 years if the loan is for construction
Penalties All proceeds in excess of the issue bond Will be rebated to the Federal government Payments are required Every 5 years Must be 90% of the excess proceeds Final payment is due 60 days after the bond is paid off
Accounting for Arbitrage GASB has no pronouncements on how to account for Arbitrage Difficult to value the payments No annual amounts Taxes would be expenditures in funds Expenses in Government Wide Statements Interest payments would be interest revenue
Sources venue_Code:Sec._148._Arbitrage venue_Code:Sec._148._Arbitrage