NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY © Copyright R.J. Rusay Dr. Ron Rusay Chem 106 Spring 2004
NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Nuclear Particles: Mass ChargeSymbol Mass ChargeSymbol PROTON 1 amu +1 H+, H, p NEUTRON 1 amu 0 n © Copyright R.J. Rusay
Nuclear Decay / Radioactivity Unstable nuclei “decay” i.e. they lose particles which lead to other elements and isotopes. The elements and isotopes produced may also be unstable and go through further decay. © Copyright R.J. Rusay Nuclear decay: reactions conserve mass.
Nuclear Particles emitted from unstable nucleii Emitted Particles: Mass Charge Symbol Mass Charge Symbol alpha particle 4 amu +2 beta particle very small -1 gamma very very small 0 positron very small +1 © Copyright R.J. Rusay
Nuclear Penetrating Power © Copyright R.J. Rusay alpha particle: low beta particle: moderate gamma: high X-rays? Water
Dosimeters measure radiation absorbedDosimeters measure radiation absorbed Radiation effects are cumulative (Madame Curie)Radiation effects are cumulative (Madame Curie) rad = radiation absorbed dose ( 0.01 J/kg)rad = radiation absorbed dose ( 0.01 J/kg) rem= radiation equivalent for man (= rad x Q; Q=1 for X-rays,3 for neutrons, 10 for p+, 20 for -particles)rem= radiation equivalent for man (= rad x Q; Q=1 for X-rays,3 for neutrons, 10 for p+, 20 for -particles) Background radiation = 0.13 remBackground radiation = 0.13 rem Annual limit is set at 0.17 rem above backgroundAnnual limit is set at 0.17 rem above background
Alpha Decay–Heavy Elements 238 U 234 Th + + e t 1/2 = 4.48 x 10 9 years t 1/2 = 4.48 x 10 9 years 210 Po 206 Pb + + e t 1/2 = 138 days t 1/2 = 138 days 256 Rf 252 No + + e t 1/2 = 7 ms t 1/2 = 7 ms For Cobalt 60 predict the alpha decay product:
Nuclear Decay Series If the nuclei produced from radioactive decay are unstable, they continue to decay until a stable isotope results. An example is Radium which produces Lead © Copyright R.J. Rusay
The 238 U Decay Series
Radiodating Methods © Copyright R.J. Rusay Three isotopes are currently used: Carbon-14half life 5,730 yrs Potassium-40 half life 1.3 x 10 9 yrs Uranium-238 half life 4.47 x 10 9 yrs The age of samples can be determined by measuring their disintegrations over time.
Decrease in Number of 14 C Nuclei Over Time
Radiocarbon Dating for Determining the Age of Artifacts An ancient wood sample has 6.25% of the 14 C of a reference sample. What is the age of the sample?
Nuclear Reactions The mass of the visible universe is 73% H 2 and 25% He. The remaining 2%, “heavy” elements, have atomic masses >4. The “heavy” elements are formed at very high temperatures (T>10 6 o C) by FUSION, i.e. nuclei combining to form new elements. There is an upper limit to the production of heavy nuclei at A=92, Uranium. Heavy nuclei split to lighter ones by FISSION © Copyright R.J. Rusay
NUCLEAR STABILITY Patterns of Radioactive Decay Alpha decay ( –heavy isotopes Beta decay ( –neutron rich isotopes Positron emission ( )–proton rich isotopes Electron capture–proton rich isotopes x-rays Gamma-ray emission ( Spontaneous fission–very heavy isotopes © Copyright R.J. Rusay
NUCLEAR ENERGY EINSTEIN’S EQUATION FOR THE CONVERSION OF MASS INTO ENERGY E = mc 2 m = mass (kg) c = Speed of light c = x 10 8 m/s
Mass Energy Electron volt (ev) The energy an electron acquires when it moves through a potential difference of one volt: 1 ev = x J Binding energies are commonly expressed in units of megaelectron volts (Mev) 1 Mev = 10 6 ev = x J A particularly useful factor converts a given mass defect in atomic mass units to its energy equivalent in electron volts: 1 amu = x 10 6 ev = Mev
Nuclear Reactions Fission and Fusion reactions are highly exothermic (1 Mev / nucleon). This is 10 6 times larger than “chemical” reactions which are about 1 ev / atom. Nuclear fission was first used in a chain reaction: © Copyright R.J. Rusay
Nuclear Reactions: Fission and Fusion reactions are highly exothermic (1 Mev / nucleon). This is 10 6 times larger than “chemical” reactions which are about 1 ev / atom. Fission: Fusion:
Nuclear Reactions Nuclear fission was first used in a chain reaction:
Nuclear Reactions / Fission The Fission Chain Reaction proceeds geometrically: 1 neutron -> 3 -> 9 -> 27 -> 81 etc. 1 Mole of U-235 (about 1/2 lb) produces 2 x kJ which is equivalent to the combustion of 800 tons of Coal! Commercial nuclear reactors use fission to produce electricity....Fission bombs were used in the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August © Copyright R.J. Rusay
The Nuclear Dawn August 6, 1945
Nuclear Power Plant
Worldwide Nuclear Power Plants
Chernobyl, Ukraine April,1986 and April,2001
Nuclear Reactions / Fusion Fusion has been described as the chemistry of the sun and stars. It too has been used in weapons. It has not yet found a peaceful commercial application © Copyright R.J. Rusay The application has great promise in producing relatively “clean” abundant energy through the combination of Hydrogen isotopes particularly from 2 H, deuterium and 3 H, tritium: (NIF/National Ignition Facility, LLNL)
National Ignition Facility Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
© Copyright R.J. Rusay